LambdaBuffers Design

The goal of the LambdaBuffers project is to enable software developers to specify their application types in a common format that can be conveniently shared and their values effectively communicated across language barriers.

Problem Statement

Software projects that span multiple language environments often interact in a sub-optimal manner. Significant effort is spent in making application messages declared in one language environment available to other language environments.

This burden is particularly onerous in manually written and managed serialization/encoding code which is used to communicate application values in the context of networking, configuration and databases.

Ensuring compatibility, consistency and correctness of application messages is a difficult, tedious and error prone process that often results in unwarranted costs to the business and unsustainable technical debt.


  1. Expressive types,
  2. Expressive semantics annotation,
  3. Extensible to new types,
  4. Extensible to new semantics,
  5. Universally consistent semantics,
  6. Modular API architecture.

Expressive Types

Application types that users can define should be expressive enough to facilitate type driven domain modeling and to express application programming interfaces.

Taking inspiration from existing type systems, LambdaBuffers supports algebraic data types that facilitate elegant type composition. Such types are well studied and widely used in functional programming languages such as Haskell.

LambdaBuffers supports first class sum, product and record types. Types can be parameterized, effectively enabling generic types. LambdaBuffers also supports recursive type definitions, which allow users to succinctly define elegant and expressive data structures.

Expressive Semantics Annotation

Enabling users to manage the semantics associated with their types is essential for adapting LambdaBuffers to a variety of different domains and use cases.

While most existing schema systems only facilitate type declarations in a variety of languages, LambdaBuffers takes a further step and provides users with the capability to manage the semantics of the types defined in schemata by indicating which basic operations and functions a type ought to support.

For example, suppose a user would like some types to support certain encoding (e.g. JSON or CBOR). In order to support a particular encoding, functions that serialize and deserialize the types are needed in the target language(s). Another example: Users may wish to declare that certain types are numeric - i.e. that values of these types can be added, subtracted or multiplied in a given target language. Most types could be declared to support an equality relation, which requires a function that can check values for equality in the target language(s).

In order to provide users the capability to manage the semantics of the types they define, LambdaBuffers supports type classes, also known as type constraints. Type classes are a well-established mechanism for supporting ad hoc polymorphism, backed by a large amount of academic research and widely used in functional programming languages such as Haskell, PureScript, and (albeit under a different name) Rust.

One essential difference between LambdaBuffers type classes and type classes as implemented in Haskell/PureScript/Rust is that LambdaBuffers does not allow users to declare the implementation of type class instances. Instead, users declare instance clauses for their types which signify the semantics (i.e. functions, methods) they wish to be generated in the target language. All implementation are generated uniformly as elaborated in the specification document for a given type class.

For each new type class declared, code generation tooling must be updated to handle the new type class.

Extensible to New Types

Enabling users to introduce new built-in types allows LambdaBuffers to be adapted in many different domains and use cases.

These types have special treatment under the hood and are generally mapped onto existing types and their value representations in the targeted language environments. For example, a primitive Int type in the LambdaBuffers schema language may be mapped to Int in Haskell and i32 in Rust. Primitive parameterized types are also possible: A primitive Maybe type might be mapped to Maybe in Haskell and to Option<_> in Rust.

LambdaBuffers supports opaque types to provide users with the power to define their own primitive or builtin types.

Example opaque types include various integer types, sequence types, text types, sets, maps and other semantically richer data types. Generally, such types are already well-defined and widely used in various language environments and come equipped with rich libraries that work with them. Redefining them ab ovo would be counterproductive as users would have to re-implement and reinvent the rich support for such types.

Extensible to New Semantics

Enabling users to introduce new type semantics facilitates LambdaBuffers to be adapted in many different domains and use cases.

In LambdaBuffers, introducing new type semantics works by first declaring a type class, which is simply the name of the class bundled with any super-classes (should they exist). Next, specification document that elaborates how instances are to be generated for members of the class must be created, taking care to ensure that instances are always generated uniformly. Finally, a code generation module for the class must be written that implements compliant code generation for different target languages.

Concretely, serialization has special treatment in most technologies in this space, however in LambdaBuffers, this is just a new type class.

For each new type class, deliberate effort must be invested to support that 'semantics' in different target language environments in a compliant manner. (Because type class instances are generated uniformly relative to the structure of the original type, in accordance with a set of deriving rules provided in the code generation implementation, the amount of boilerplate required to implement a new class is substantially reduced if not entirely eliminated.)

The LambdaBuffers team will officially support a certain set of type classes and provide code generation modules for a set of officially supported language environments. However, modular design will hopefully facilitate community contributions in a sustainable fashion.

Universally Consistent Semantics

The types specified by users must be handled in a compatible manner across language environments. This is a critical requirement that underpins this project.

If two values of a LambdaBuffers type are considered as 'equal' in one language environment, they should be considered equal in all others. In a similar fashion, if LambdaBuffers type has a declared JSON serialization semantics, values encoded as JSON in one language environment have to have the same encoding performed in all other language environments.

LambdaBuffers does not provide a way to formally verify consistency across languages, however, a comprehensive test suite will be developed to ensure that new code generation modules are indeed implemented correctly.

Modular API Architecture

LambdaBuffers establishes three separate components of the architecture, namely Frontend, Compiler and Codegen*.

Frontend is a user facing component that features a way to input, specify or otherwise construct application types. Frontend also orchestrates the overall work that includes the Compiler and Codegen, invoking each of these components as required by different workflows the Frontend supports. LambdaBuffers officially supports a Frontend component implementation that features a text based language for specifying LambdaBuffers types. However, because of the modular API architecture approach, a Frontend can be implemented in any language and in any fashion as long as they are able to interface with the Compiler and Codegen components.

The Compiler is a key component that is made available via the Compiler Input specified via Google Protocol Buffers. It performs all the necessary checks to ensure that the naming, type definitions and their declared semantics are indeed valid.

The Codegen component consumes the Compiler Output that contains all the information necessary to perform valid and robust code generation. Frontend communicates with the Codegen to understand its Capabilities, enabling each Codegen module to gradually build up support for desired opaque types and declared semantics.