Enable cardano-node, a node implementing ouroboros protocols
(the blockchain protocols running cardano).
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
The cardano-node package that should be used
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
List of additional sockets to listen to. Only available with systemdSocketActivation
function that evaluates to a(n) list of string
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Whether to use an executable with asserts enabled.
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
If set, it will enable bootstrap peers.
To disable, set this to null.
To enable, set this to a list of attributes of address and port, example: [{ address = “addr”; port = 3001; }]
null or (list of (attribute set))
address = "";
port = 3001;
address = "";
port = 3001;
address = "";
port = 3001;
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
The cardano-node packages and library that should be used.
Main usage is sharing optimization:
reduce eval time when service is instantiated multiple times.
attribute set
"cardano-node packages"
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Node database path, for each instance.
string or function that evaluates to a(n) string
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Prefix of database directories inside stateDir
(eg. for “db”, there will be db-0, etc.).
string or function that evaluates to a(n) string
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Delegation certificate
null or string or path
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
environment node will connect to
one of “mainnet”, “preprod”, “preview”, “private”, “sanchonet”, “shelley_qa”, “testnet”
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
environment node will connect to
attribute set
This value is long. Click to expand.
mainnet = {
confKey = "mainnet_full" ;
consensusProtocol = "Cardano" ;
dbSyncConfig = {
EnableFutureGenesis = true ;
EnableLogMetrics = false ;
EnableLogging = true ;
NetworkName = "mainnet" ;
NodeConfigFile = "/nix/store/kcl7gc0q0w70c51lnfh1cdk70niylshd-config-mainnet.json" ;
PrometheusPort = 8080 ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresNoMagic" ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
minSeverity = "Info" ;
options = {
cfokey = {
value = "Release-1.0.0" ;
mapBackends = { };
mapSeverity = {
db-sync-node = "Info" ;
"db-sync-node.Mux" = "Error" ;
"db-sync-node.Subscription" = "Error" ;
mapSubtrace = {
"#ekgview" = {
contents = [
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = ".monoclock.basic." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.cpuNs.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "#ekgview.#aggregation.cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "StartsWith" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.gcNum.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
subtrace = "FilterTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.aggregation" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.ekgview" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.katip" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.monitoring" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.switchboard" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
benchmark = {
contents = [
subtrace = "ObservableTrace" ;
"cardano.epoch-validation.utxo-stats" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
setupBackends = [
setupScribes = [
scFormat = "ScText" ;
scKind = "StdoutSK" ;
scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
domain = "" ;
edgeNodes = [
addr = "" ;
port = 3001 ;
addr = "" ;
port = 3001 ;
addr = "" ;
port = 3001 ;
addr = "" ;
port = 3001 ;
edgePort = 3001 ;
explorerConfig = {
NetworkName = "mainnet" ;
NodeConfigFile = "/nix/store/kcl7gc0q0w70c51lnfh1cdk70niylshd-config-mainnet.json" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresNoMagic" ;
explorerUrl = "" ;
extraDbSyncConfig = {
enableFutureGenesis = true ;
metadataUrl = "" ;
mithrilAggregatorEndpointUrl = "" ;
mithrilEraReaderParams = {
address = "addr1qy72kwgm6kypyc5maw0h8mfagwag8wjnx6emgfnsnhqaml6gx7gg4tzplw9l32nsgclqax7stc4u6c5dn0ctljwscm2sqv0teg" ;
verification_key = "5b31312c3133342c3231352c37362c3134312c3232302c3131312c3135342c36332c3233302c3131342c31322c38372c37342c39342c3137322c3133322c32372c39362c3138362c3132362c3137382c31392c3131342c33302c3234332c36342c3134312c3131302c38332c38362c31395d" ;
mithrilGenesisVerificationKey = "5b3139312c36362c3134302c3138352c3133382c31312c3233372c3230372c3235302c3134342c32372c322c3138382c33302c31322c38312c3135352c3230342c31302c3137392c37352c32332c3133382c3139362c3231372c352c31342c32302c35372c37392c33392c3137365d" ;
mithrilSignerConfig = {
aggregator_endpoint = "" ;
era_reader_adapter_params = "{ \" address \" : \" addr1qy72kwgm6kypyc5maw0h8mfagwag8wjnx6emgfnsnhqaml6gx7gg4tzplw9l32nsgclqax7stc4u6c5dn0ctljwscm2sqv0teg \" , \" verification_key \" : \" 5b31312c3133342c3231352c37362c3134312c3232302c3131312c3135342c36332c3233302c3131342c31322c38372c37342c39342c3137322c3133322c32372c39362c3138362c3132362c3137382c31392c3131342c33302c3234332c36342c3134312c3131302c38332c38362c31395d \" }" ;
era_reader_adapter_type = "cardano-chain" ;
network = "mainnet" ;
network_magic = 764824073 ;
run_interval = 60000 ;
store_retention_limit = 5 ;
name = "mainnet" ;
networkConfig = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/mainnet/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "7e94a15f55d1e82d10f09203fa1d40f8eede58fd8066542cf6566008068ed874" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/mainnet/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "5f20df933584822601f9e3f8c024eb5eb252fe8cefb24d1317dc3d432e940ebb" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/mainnet/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "15a199f895e461ec0ffc6dd4e4028af28a492ab4e806d39cb674c88f7643ef62" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 0 ;
MaxKnownMajorProtocolVersion = 2 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = true ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresNoMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/mainnet/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "1a3be38bcbb7911969283716ad7aa550250226b76a61fc51cc9a9a35d9276d81" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 150 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 60 ;
TraceMempool = false ;
networkConfigBp = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/mainnet/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "7e94a15f55d1e82d10f09203fa1d40f8eede58fd8066542cf6566008068ed874" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/mainnet/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "5f20df933584822601f9e3f8c024eb5eb252fe8cefb24d1317dc3d432e940ebb" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/mainnet/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "15a199f895e461ec0ffc6dd4e4028af28a492ab4e806d39cb674c88f7643ef62" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 0 ;
MaxKnownMajorProtocolVersion = 2 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = false ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresNoMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/mainnet/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "1a3be38bcbb7911969283716ad7aa550250226b76a61fc51cc9a9a35d9276d81" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 100 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 100 ;
TraceMempool = false ;
nodeConfig = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/mainnet/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "7e94a15f55d1e82d10f09203fa1d40f8eede58fd8066542cf6566008068ed874" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/mainnet/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "5f20df933584822601f9e3f8c024eb5eb252fe8cefb24d1317dc3d432e940ebb" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/mainnet/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "15a199f895e461ec0ffc6dd4e4028af28a492ab4e806d39cb674c88f7643ef62" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 0 ;
MaxKnownMajorProtocolVersion = 2 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = true ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresNoMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/mainnet/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "1a3be38bcbb7911969283716ad7aa550250226b76a61fc51cc9a9a35d9276d81" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 150 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 60 ;
TraceAcceptPolicy = true ;
TraceBlockFetchClient = false ;
TraceBlockFetchDecisions = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocol = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocolSerialised = false ;
TraceBlockFetchServer = false ;
TraceChainDb = true ;
TraceChainSyncBlockServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncClient = false ;
TraceChainSyncHeaderServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceConnectionManager = true ;
TraceDNSResolver = true ;
TraceDNSSubscription = true ;
TraceDiffusionInitialization = true ;
TraceErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceForge = true ;
TraceHandshake = true ;
TraceInboundGovernor = true ;
TraceIpSubscription = true ;
TraceLedgerPeers = true ;
TraceLocalChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalConnectionManager = true ;
TraceLocalErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceLocalHandshake = true ;
TraceLocalRootPeers = true ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionServer = false ;
TraceMempool = false ;
TraceMux = false ;
TracePeerSelection = true ;
TracePeerSelectionActions = true ;
TracePublicRootPeers = true ;
TraceServer = true ;
TraceTxInbound = false ;
TraceTxOutbound = false ;
TraceTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TracingVerbosity = "NormalVerbosity" ;
TurnOnLogMetrics = true ;
TurnOnLogging = true ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
hasEKG = 12788 ;
hasPrometheus = [
minSeverity = "Info" ;
options = {
mapBackends = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = [
"cardano.node.resources" = [
mapSubtrace = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = {
subtrace = "Neutral" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
setupBackends = [
setupScribes = [
scFormat = "ScText" ;
scKind = "StdoutSK" ;
scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
nodeConfigBp = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/mainnet/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "7e94a15f55d1e82d10f09203fa1d40f8eede58fd8066542cf6566008068ed874" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/mainnet/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "5f20df933584822601f9e3f8c024eb5eb252fe8cefb24d1317dc3d432e940ebb" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/mainnet/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "15a199f895e461ec0ffc6dd4e4028af28a492ab4e806d39cb674c88f7643ef62" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 0 ;
MaxKnownMajorProtocolVersion = 2 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = false ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresNoMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/mainnet/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "1a3be38bcbb7911969283716ad7aa550250226b76a61fc51cc9a9a35d9276d81" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 100 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 100 ;
TraceAcceptPolicy = true ;
TraceBlockFetchClient = false ;
TraceBlockFetchDecisions = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocol = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocolSerialised = false ;
TraceBlockFetchServer = false ;
TraceChainDb = true ;
TraceChainSyncBlockServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncClient = false ;
TraceChainSyncHeaderServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceConnectionManager = true ;
TraceDNSResolver = true ;
TraceDNSSubscription = true ;
TraceDiffusionInitialization = true ;
TraceErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceForge = true ;
TraceHandshake = true ;
TraceInboundGovernor = true ;
TraceIpSubscription = true ;
TraceLedgerPeers = true ;
TraceLocalChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalConnectionManager = true ;
TraceLocalErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceLocalHandshake = true ;
TraceLocalRootPeers = true ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionServer = false ;
TraceMempool = false ;
TraceMux = false ;
TracePeerSelection = true ;
TracePeerSelectionActions = true ;
TracePublicRootPeers = true ;
TraceServer = true ;
TraceTxInbound = false ;
TraceTxOutbound = false ;
TraceTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TracingVerbosity = "NormalVerbosity" ;
TurnOnLogMetrics = true ;
TurnOnLogging = true ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
hasEKG = 12788 ;
hasPrometheus = [
minSeverity = "Info" ;
options = {
mapBackends = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = [
"cardano.node.resources" = [
mapSubtrace = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = {
subtrace = "Neutral" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
setupBackends = [
setupScribes = [
scFormat = "ScText" ;
scKind = "StdoutSK" ;
scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
private = false ;
relays = "" ;
relaysNew = "" ;
smashUrl = "" ;
submitApiConfig = {
EnableLogMetrics = false ;
EnableLogging = true ;
GenesisHash = "5f20df933584822601f9e3f8c024eb5eb252fe8cefb24d1317dc3d432e940ebb" ;
PrometheusPort = 8080 ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresNoMagic" ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
minSeverity = "Info" ;
options = {
cfokey = {
value = "Release-1.0.0" ;
mapBackends = { };
mapSeverity = {
db-sync-node = "Info" ;
"db-sync-node.Mux" = "Error" ;
"db-sync-node.Subscription" = "Error" ;
mapSubtrace = {
"#ekgview" = {
contents = [
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = ".monoclock.basic." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.cpuNs.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "#ekgview.#aggregation.cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "StartsWith" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.gcNum.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
subtrace = "FilterTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.aggregation" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.ekgview" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.katip" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.monitoring" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.switchboard" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
benchmark = {
contents = [
subtrace = "ObservableTrace" ;
"cardano.epoch-validation.utxo-stats" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
setupBackends = [
setupScribes = [
scFormat = "ScText" ;
scKind = "StdoutSK" ;
scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
useByronWallet = true ;
usePeersFromLedgerAfterSlot = 128908821 ;
preprod = {
consensusProtocol = "Cardano" ;
dbSyncConfig = {
EnableFutureGenesis = true ;
EnableLogMetrics = false ;
EnableLogging = true ;
NetworkName = "preprod" ;
NodeConfigFile = "/nix/store/xlnij79vm8cf9a4ak59q6p80lfcmrzy2-config-preprod.json" ;
PrometheusPort = 8080 ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
minSeverity = "Info" ;
options = {
cfokey = {
value = "Release-1.0.0" ;
mapBackends = { };
mapSeverity = {
db-sync-node = "Info" ;
"db-sync-node.Mux" = "Error" ;
"db-sync-node.Subscription" = "Error" ;
mapSubtrace = {
"#ekgview" = {
contents = [
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = ".monoclock.basic." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.cpuNs.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "#ekgview.#aggregation.cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "StartsWith" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.gcNum.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
subtrace = "FilterTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.aggregation" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.ekgview" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.katip" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.monitoring" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.switchboard" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
benchmark = {
contents = [
subtrace = "ObservableTrace" ;
"cardano.epoch-validation.utxo-stats" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
setupBackends = [
setupScribes = [
scFormat = "ScText" ;
scKind = "StdoutSK" ;
scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
domain = "" ;
edgeNodes = [
addr = "" ;
port = 3001 ;
edgePort = 3001 ;
explorerConfig = {
NetworkName = "preprod" ;
NodeConfigFile = "/nix/store/xlnij79vm8cf9a4ak59q6p80lfcmrzy2-config-preprod.json" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
explorerUrl = "" ;
extraDbSyncConfig = {
enableFutureGenesis = true ;
metadataUrl = "" ;
mithrilAggregatorEndpointUrl = "" ;
mithrilEraReaderParams = {
address = "addr_test1qpkyv2ws0deszm67t840sdnruqgr492n80g3y96xw3p2ksk6suj5musy6w8lsg3yjd09cnpgctc2qh386rtxphxt248qr0npnx" ;
verification_key = "5b35352c3232382c3134342c38372c3133382c3133362c34382c382c31342c3138372c38352c3134382c39372c3233322c3235352c3232392c33382c3234342c3234372c3230342c3139382c31332c33312c3232322c32352c3136342c35322c3130322c39312c3132302c3230382c3134375d" ;
mithrilGenesisVerificationKey = "5b3132372c37332c3132342c3136312c362c3133372c3133312c3231332c3230372c3131372c3139382c38352c3137362c3139392c3136322c3234312c36382c3132332c3131392c3134352c31332c3233322c3234332c34392c3232392c322c3234392c3230352c3230352c33392c3233352c34345d" ;
mithrilSignerConfig = {
aggregator_endpoint = "" ;
era_reader_adapter_params = "{ \" address \" : \" addr_test1qpkyv2ws0deszm67t840sdnruqgr492n80g3y96xw3p2ksk6suj5musy6w8lsg3yjd09cnpgctc2qh386rtxphxt248qr0npnx \" , \" verification_key \" : \" 5b35352c3232382c3134342c38372c3133382c3133362c34382c382c31342c3138372c38352c3134382c39372c3233322c3235352c3232392c33382c3234342c3234372c3230342c3139382c31332c33312c3232322c32352c3136342c35322c3130322c39312c3132302c3230382c3134375d \" }" ;
era_reader_adapter_type = "cardano-chain" ;
network = "preprod" ;
network_magic = 1 ;
run_interval = 60000 ;
store_retention_limit = 5 ;
name = "preprod" ;
networkConfig = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preprod/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "7e94a15f55d1e82d10f09203fa1d40f8eede58fd8066542cf6566008068ed874" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preprod/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "d4b8de7a11d929a323373cbab6c1a9bdc931beffff11db111cf9d57356ee1937" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preprod/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "0eb6adaec3fcb1fe286c1b4ae0da2a117eafc3add51e17577d36dd39eddfc3db" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 2 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 0 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = true ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preprod/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "162d29c4e1cf6b8a84f2d692e67a3ac6bc7851bc3e6e4afe64d15778bed8bd86" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 150 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 60 ;
networkConfigBp = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preprod/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "7e94a15f55d1e82d10f09203fa1d40f8eede58fd8066542cf6566008068ed874" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preprod/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "d4b8de7a11d929a323373cbab6c1a9bdc931beffff11db111cf9d57356ee1937" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preprod/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "0eb6adaec3fcb1fe286c1b4ae0da2a117eafc3add51e17577d36dd39eddfc3db" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 2 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 0 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = false ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preprod/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "162d29c4e1cf6b8a84f2d692e67a3ac6bc7851bc3e6e4afe64d15778bed8bd86" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 100 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 100 ;
nodeConfig = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preprod/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "7e94a15f55d1e82d10f09203fa1d40f8eede58fd8066542cf6566008068ed874" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preprod/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "d4b8de7a11d929a323373cbab6c1a9bdc931beffff11db111cf9d57356ee1937" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preprod/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "0eb6adaec3fcb1fe286c1b4ae0da2a117eafc3add51e17577d36dd39eddfc3db" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 2 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 0 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = true ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preprod/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "162d29c4e1cf6b8a84f2d692e67a3ac6bc7851bc3e6e4afe64d15778bed8bd86" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 150 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 60 ;
TraceAcceptPolicy = true ;
TraceBlockFetchClient = false ;
TraceBlockFetchDecisions = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocol = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocolSerialised = false ;
TraceBlockFetchServer = false ;
TraceChainDb = true ;
TraceChainSyncBlockServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncClient = false ;
TraceChainSyncHeaderServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceConnectionManager = true ;
TraceDNSResolver = true ;
TraceDNSSubscription = true ;
TraceDiffusionInitialization = true ;
TraceErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceForge = true ;
TraceHandshake = true ;
TraceInboundGovernor = true ;
TraceIpSubscription = true ;
TraceLedgerPeers = true ;
TraceLocalChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalConnectionManager = true ;
TraceLocalErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceLocalHandshake = true ;
TraceLocalRootPeers = true ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionServer = false ;
TraceMempool = true ;
TraceMux = false ;
TracePeerSelection = true ;
TracePeerSelectionActions = true ;
TracePublicRootPeers = true ;
TraceServer = true ;
TraceTxInbound = false ;
TraceTxOutbound = false ;
TraceTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TracingVerbosity = "NormalVerbosity" ;
TurnOnLogMetrics = true ;
TurnOnLogging = true ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
hasEKG = 12788 ;
hasPrometheus = [
minSeverity = "Info" ;
options = {
mapBackends = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = [
"cardano.node.resources" = [
mapSubtrace = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = {
subtrace = "Neutral" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
setupBackends = [
setupScribes = [
scFormat = "ScText" ;
scKind = "StdoutSK" ;
scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
nodeConfigBp = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preprod/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "7e94a15f55d1e82d10f09203fa1d40f8eede58fd8066542cf6566008068ed874" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preprod/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "d4b8de7a11d929a323373cbab6c1a9bdc931beffff11db111cf9d57356ee1937" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preprod/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "0eb6adaec3fcb1fe286c1b4ae0da2a117eafc3add51e17577d36dd39eddfc3db" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 2 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 0 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = false ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preprod/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "162d29c4e1cf6b8a84f2d692e67a3ac6bc7851bc3e6e4afe64d15778bed8bd86" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 100 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 100 ;
TraceAcceptPolicy = true ;
TraceBlockFetchClient = false ;
TraceBlockFetchDecisions = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocol = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocolSerialised = false ;
TraceBlockFetchServer = false ;
TraceChainDb = true ;
TraceChainSyncBlockServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncClient = false ;
TraceChainSyncHeaderServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceConnectionManager = true ;
TraceDNSResolver = true ;
TraceDNSSubscription = true ;
TraceDiffusionInitialization = true ;
TraceErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceForge = true ;
TraceHandshake = true ;
TraceInboundGovernor = true ;
TraceIpSubscription = true ;
TraceLedgerPeers = true ;
TraceLocalChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalConnectionManager = true ;
TraceLocalErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceLocalHandshake = true ;
TraceLocalRootPeers = true ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionServer = false ;
TraceMempool = true ;
TraceMux = false ;
TracePeerSelection = true ;
TracePeerSelectionActions = true ;
TracePublicRootPeers = true ;
TraceServer = true ;
TraceTxInbound = false ;
TraceTxOutbound = false ;
TraceTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TracingVerbosity = "NormalVerbosity" ;
TurnOnLogMetrics = true ;
TurnOnLogging = true ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
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hasPrometheus = [
minSeverity = "Info" ;
options = {
mapBackends = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = [
"cardano.node.resources" = [
mapSubtrace = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = {
subtrace = "Neutral" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
setupBackends = [
setupScribes = [
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scKind = "StdoutSK" ;
scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
private = false ;
relaysNew = "" ;
smashUrl = "" ;
submitApiConfig = {
EnableLogMetrics = false ;
EnableLogging = true ;
GenesisHash = "d4b8de7a11d929a323373cbab6c1a9bdc931beffff11db111cf9d57356ee1937" ;
PrometheusPort = 8080 ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
minSeverity = "Info" ;
options = {
cfokey = {
value = "Release-1.0.0" ;
mapBackends = { };
mapSeverity = {
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"db-sync-node.Mux" = "Error" ;
"db-sync-node.Subscription" = "Error" ;
mapSubtrace = {
"#ekgview" = {
contents = [
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = ".monoclock.basic." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.cpuNs.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "#ekgview.#aggregation.cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "StartsWith" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.gcNum.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
subtrace = "FilterTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.aggregation" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.ekgview" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.katip" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.monitoring" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.switchboard" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
benchmark = {
contents = [
subtrace = "ObservableTrace" ;
"cardano.epoch-validation.utxo-stats" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
rotation = {
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rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
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setupScribes = [
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scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
useByronWallet = false ;
usePeersFromLedgerAfterSlot = 64454371 ;
preview = {
consensusProtocol = "Cardano" ;
dbSyncConfig = {
EnableFutureGenesis = true ;
EnableLogMetrics = false ;
EnableLogging = true ;
NetworkName = "preview" ;
NodeConfigFile = "/nix/store/mk35kwvnmi91g2qx2f8xi63glsmx6pg2-config-preview.json" ;
PrometheusPort = 8080 ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
minSeverity = "Info" ;
options = {
cfokey = {
value = "Release-1.0.0" ;
mapBackends = { };
mapSeverity = {
db-sync-node = "Info" ;
"db-sync-node.Mux" = "Error" ;
"db-sync-node.Subscription" = "Error" ;
mapSubtrace = {
"#ekgview" = {
contents = [
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = ".monoclock.basic." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.cpuNs.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "#ekgview.#aggregation.cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "StartsWith" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.gcNum.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
subtrace = "FilterTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.aggregation" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.ekgview" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.katip" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.monitoring" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.switchboard" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
benchmark = {
contents = [
subtrace = "ObservableTrace" ;
"cardano.epoch-validation.utxo-stats" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
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scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
domain = "" ;
edgeNodes = [
addr = "" ;
port = 3001 ;
edgePort = 3001 ;
explorerConfig = {
NetworkName = "preview" ;
NodeConfigFile = "/nix/store/mk35kwvnmi91g2qx2f8xi63glsmx6pg2-config-preview.json" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
explorerUrl = "" ;
extraDbSyncConfig = {
enableFutureGenesis = true ;
metadataUrl = "" ;
mithrilAggregatorEndpointUrl = "" ;
mithrilEraReaderParams = {
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verification_key = "5b35352c3232382c3134342c38372c3133382c3133362c34382c382c31342c3138372c38352c3134382c39372c3233322c3235352c3232392c33382c3234342c3234372c3230342c3139382c31332c33312c3232322c32352c3136342c35322c3130322c39312c3132302c3230382c3134375d" ;
mithrilGenesisVerificationKey = "5b3132372c37332c3132342c3136312c362c3133372c3133312c3231332c3230372c3131372c3139382c38352c3137362c3139392c3136322c3234312c36382c3132332c3131392c3134352c31332c3233322c3234332c34392c3232392c322c3234392c3230352c3230352c33392c3233352c34345d" ;
mithrilSignerConfig = {
aggregator_endpoint = "" ;
era_reader_adapter_params = "{ \" address \" : \" addr_test1qrv5xfwh043mlc3vk5d97s4nmhxu7cmleyssvhx37gkfyejfe8d38v3vsfgetjafgrsdc49krug8wf04h5rmtengtejqlxrksk \" , \" verification_key \" : \" 5b35352c3232382c3134342c38372c3133382c3133362c34382c382c31342c3138372c38352c3134382c39372c3233322c3235352c3232392c33382c3234342c3234372c3230342c3139382c31332c33312c3232322c32352c3136342c35322c3130322c39312c3132302c3230382c3134375d \" }" ;
era_reader_adapter_type = "cardano-chain" ;
network = "preview" ;
network_magic = 2 ;
run_interval = 60000 ;
store_retention_limit = 5 ;
name = "preview" ;
networkConfig = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preview/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "7e94a15f55d1e82d10f09203fa1d40f8eede58fd8066542cf6566008068ed874" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preview/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "83de1d7302569ad56cf9139a41e2e11346d4cb4a31c00142557b6ab3fa550761" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preview/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "9cc5084f02e27210eacba47af0872e3dba8946ad9460b6072d793e1d2f3987ef" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
ExperimentalHardForksEnabled = false ;
ExperimentalProtocolsEnabled = false ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 1 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = true ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preview/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "363498d1024f84bb39d3fa9593ce391483cb40d479b87233f868d6e57c3a400d" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 150 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 60 ;
TestAllegraHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestAlonzoHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestMaryHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestShelleyHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
networkConfigBp = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preview/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "7e94a15f55d1e82d10f09203fa1d40f8eede58fd8066542cf6566008068ed874" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preview/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "83de1d7302569ad56cf9139a41e2e11346d4cb4a31c00142557b6ab3fa550761" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preview/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "9cc5084f02e27210eacba47af0872e3dba8946ad9460b6072d793e1d2f3987ef" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
ExperimentalHardForksEnabled = false ;
ExperimentalProtocolsEnabled = false ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 1 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = false ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preview/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "363498d1024f84bb39d3fa9593ce391483cb40d479b87233f868d6e57c3a400d" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 100 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 100 ;
TestAllegraHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestAlonzoHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestMaryHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestShelleyHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
nodeConfig = {
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AlonzoGenesisHash = "7e94a15f55d1e82d10f09203fa1d40f8eede58fd8066542cf6566008068ed874" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preview/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "83de1d7302569ad56cf9139a41e2e11346d4cb4a31c00142557b6ab3fa550761" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preview/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "9cc5084f02e27210eacba47af0872e3dba8946ad9460b6072d793e1d2f3987ef" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
ExperimentalHardForksEnabled = false ;
ExperimentalProtocolsEnabled = false ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 1 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = true ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preview/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "363498d1024f84bb39d3fa9593ce391483cb40d479b87233f868d6e57c3a400d" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 150 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 60 ;
TestAllegraHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestAlonzoHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestMaryHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestShelleyHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TraceAcceptPolicy = true ;
TraceBlockFetchClient = false ;
TraceBlockFetchDecisions = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocol = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocolSerialised = false ;
TraceBlockFetchServer = false ;
TraceChainDb = true ;
TraceChainSyncBlockServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncClient = false ;
TraceChainSyncHeaderServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceConnectionManager = true ;
TraceDNSResolver = true ;
TraceDNSSubscription = true ;
TraceDiffusionInitialization = true ;
TraceErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceForge = true ;
TraceHandshake = true ;
TraceInboundGovernor = true ;
TraceIpSubscription = true ;
TraceLedgerPeers = true ;
TraceLocalChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalConnectionManager = true ;
TraceLocalErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceLocalHandshake = true ;
TraceLocalRootPeers = true ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionServer = false ;
TraceMempool = true ;
TraceMux = false ;
TracePeerSelection = true ;
TracePeerSelectionActions = true ;
TracePublicRootPeers = true ;
TraceServer = true ;
TraceTxInbound = false ;
TraceTxOutbound = false ;
TraceTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TracingVerbosity = "NormalVerbosity" ;
TurnOnLogMetrics = true ;
TurnOnLogging = true ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
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hasPrometheus = [
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options = {
mapBackends = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = [
"cardano.node.resources" = [
mapSubtrace = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = {
subtrace = "Neutral" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
setupBackends = [
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scFormat = "ScText" ;
scKind = "StdoutSK" ;
scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
nodeConfigBp = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preview/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "7e94a15f55d1e82d10f09203fa1d40f8eede58fd8066542cf6566008068ed874" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preview/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "83de1d7302569ad56cf9139a41e2e11346d4cb4a31c00142557b6ab3fa550761" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preview/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "9cc5084f02e27210eacba47af0872e3dba8946ad9460b6072d793e1d2f3987ef" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
ExperimentalHardForksEnabled = false ;
ExperimentalProtocolsEnabled = false ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 1 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = false ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/preview/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "363498d1024f84bb39d3fa9593ce391483cb40d479b87233f868d6e57c3a400d" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 100 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 100 ;
TestAllegraHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestAlonzoHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestMaryHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestShelleyHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TraceAcceptPolicy = true ;
TraceBlockFetchClient = false ;
TraceBlockFetchDecisions = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocol = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocolSerialised = false ;
TraceBlockFetchServer = false ;
TraceChainDb = true ;
TraceChainSyncBlockServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncClient = false ;
TraceChainSyncHeaderServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceConnectionManager = true ;
TraceDNSResolver = true ;
TraceDNSSubscription = true ;
TraceDiffusionInitialization = true ;
TraceErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceForge = true ;
TraceHandshake = true ;
TraceInboundGovernor = true ;
TraceIpSubscription = true ;
TraceLedgerPeers = true ;
TraceLocalChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalConnectionManager = true ;
TraceLocalErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceLocalHandshake = true ;
TraceLocalRootPeers = true ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionServer = false ;
TraceMempool = true ;
TraceMux = false ;
TracePeerSelection = true ;
TracePeerSelectionActions = true ;
TracePublicRootPeers = true ;
TraceServer = true ;
TraceTxInbound = false ;
TraceTxOutbound = false ;
TraceTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TracingVerbosity = "NormalVerbosity" ;
TurnOnLogMetrics = true ;
TurnOnLogging = true ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
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hasPrometheus = [
minSeverity = "Info" ;
options = {
mapBackends = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = [
"cardano.node.resources" = [
mapSubtrace = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = {
subtrace = "Neutral" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
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scKind = "StdoutSK" ;
scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
private = false ;
relaysNew = "" ;
smashUrl = "" ;
submitApiConfig = {
EnableLogMetrics = false ;
EnableLogging = true ;
GenesisHash = "83de1d7302569ad56cf9139a41e2e11346d4cb4a31c00142557b6ab3fa550761" ;
PrometheusPort = 8080 ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
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options = {
cfokey = {
value = "Release-1.0.0" ;
mapBackends = { };
mapSeverity = {
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"db-sync-node.Mux" = "Error" ;
"db-sync-node.Subscription" = "Error" ;
mapSubtrace = {
"#ekgview" = {
contents = [
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = ".monoclock.basic." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.cpuNs.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "#ekgview.#aggregation.cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "StartsWith" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.gcNum.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
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"#messagecounters.aggregation" = {
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"#messagecounters.ekgview" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.katip" = {
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"#messagecounters.monitoring" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.switchboard" = {
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contents = [
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"cardano.epoch-validation.utxo-stats" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
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scRotation = null ;
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usePeersFromLedgerAfterSlot = 53827185 ;
private = {
consensusProtocol = "Cardano" ;
dbSyncConfig = {
EnableFutureGenesis = true ;
EnableLogMetrics = false ;
EnableLogging = true ;
NetworkName = "private" ;
NodeConfigFile = "/nix/store/xbkg7xhgp6rwynqfc6mi7pfggq747gxj-config-private.json" ;
PrometheusPort = 8080 ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
defaultBackends = [
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options = {
cfokey = {
value = "Release-1.0.0" ;
mapBackends = { };
mapSeverity = {
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"db-sync-node.Mux" = "Error" ;
"db-sync-node.Subscription" = "Error" ;
mapSubtrace = {
"#ekgview" = {
contents = [
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = ".monoclock.basic." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.cpuNs.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "#ekgview.#aggregation.cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "StartsWith" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.gcNum.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
subtrace = "FilterTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.aggregation" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.ekgview" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.katip" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.monitoring" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.switchboard" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
benchmark = {
contents = [
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"cardano.epoch-validation.utxo-stats" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
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domain = "" ;
edgeNodes = [
addr = "" ;
port = 3001 ;
edgePort = 3001 ;
explorerConfig = {
NetworkName = "private" ;
NodeConfigFile = "/nix/store/xbkg7xhgp6rwynqfc6mi7pfggq747gxj-config-private.json" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
explorerUrl = "" ;
extraDbSyncConfig = {
enableFutureGenesis = true ;
metadataUrl = "" ;
mithrilSignerConfig = {
network = "private" ;
network_magic = 5 ;
run_interval = 60000 ;
store_retention_limit = 5 ;
name = "private" ;
networkConfig = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/private/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "8bedcaea62107d8a79ed5293b0027b3f8706a4bc2422f33380cb1fd01c6fa6ec" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/private/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "200222f56d3582c58af09ba58d53e294fcca5de2fc6a27913803e427cdf147f3" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/private/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "75ff70079cca9f3fd2109d89d5770e96f6f79827dba7b410a69ee90066b78c5f" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
ExperimentalHardForksEnabled = true ;
ExperimentalProtocolsEnabled = true ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 1 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = true ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/private/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "ae9da178ddecfbde046d2c59d4afd087bafd6e2ff04532e6077eab7f8098fa03" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 150 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 60 ;
TestAllegraHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestAlonzoHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestMaryHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestShelleyHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
networkConfigBp = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/private/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "8bedcaea62107d8a79ed5293b0027b3f8706a4bc2422f33380cb1fd01c6fa6ec" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/private/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "200222f56d3582c58af09ba58d53e294fcca5de2fc6a27913803e427cdf147f3" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/private/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "75ff70079cca9f3fd2109d89d5770e96f6f79827dba7b410a69ee90066b78c5f" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
ExperimentalHardForksEnabled = true ;
ExperimentalProtocolsEnabled = true ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 1 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = false ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/private/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "ae9da178ddecfbde046d2c59d4afd087bafd6e2ff04532e6077eab7f8098fa03" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 100 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 100 ;
TestAllegraHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestAlonzoHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestMaryHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestShelleyHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
nodeConfig = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/private/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "8bedcaea62107d8a79ed5293b0027b3f8706a4bc2422f33380cb1fd01c6fa6ec" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/private/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "200222f56d3582c58af09ba58d53e294fcca5de2fc6a27913803e427cdf147f3" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/private/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "75ff70079cca9f3fd2109d89d5770e96f6f79827dba7b410a69ee90066b78c5f" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
ExperimentalHardForksEnabled = true ;
ExperimentalProtocolsEnabled = true ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 1 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = true ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/private/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "ae9da178ddecfbde046d2c59d4afd087bafd6e2ff04532e6077eab7f8098fa03" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 150 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 60 ;
TestAllegraHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestAlonzoHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestMaryHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestShelleyHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TraceAcceptPolicy = true ;
TraceBlockFetchClient = false ;
TraceBlockFetchDecisions = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocol = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocolSerialised = false ;
TraceBlockFetchServer = false ;
TraceChainDb = true ;
TraceChainSyncBlockServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncClient = false ;
TraceChainSyncHeaderServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceConnectionManager = true ;
TraceDNSResolver = true ;
TraceDNSSubscription = true ;
TraceDiffusionInitialization = true ;
TraceErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceForge = true ;
TraceHandshake = true ;
TraceInboundGovernor = true ;
TraceIpSubscription = true ;
TraceLedgerPeers = true ;
TraceLocalChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalConnectionManager = true ;
TraceLocalErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceLocalHandshake = true ;
TraceLocalRootPeers = true ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionServer = false ;
TraceMempool = true ;
TraceMux = false ;
TracePeerSelection = true ;
TracePeerSelectionActions = true ;
TracePublicRootPeers = true ;
TraceServer = true ;
TraceTxInbound = false ;
TraceTxOutbound = false ;
TraceTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TracingVerbosity = "NormalVerbosity" ;
TurnOnLogMetrics = true ;
TurnOnLogging = true ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
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hasPrometheus = [
minSeverity = "Info" ;
options = {
mapBackends = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = [
"cardano.node.resources" = [
mapSubtrace = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = {
subtrace = "Neutral" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
setupBackends = [
setupScribes = [
scFormat = "ScText" ;
scKind = "StdoutSK" ;
scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
nodeConfigBp = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/private/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "8bedcaea62107d8a79ed5293b0027b3f8706a4bc2422f33380cb1fd01c6fa6ec" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/private/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "200222f56d3582c58af09ba58d53e294fcca5de2fc6a27913803e427cdf147f3" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/private/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "75ff70079cca9f3fd2109d89d5770e96f6f79827dba7b410a69ee90066b78c5f" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
ExperimentalHardForksEnabled = true ;
ExperimentalProtocolsEnabled = true ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 1 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = false ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/private/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "ae9da178ddecfbde046d2c59d4afd087bafd6e2ff04532e6077eab7f8098fa03" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 100 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 100 ;
TestAllegraHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestAlonzoHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestMaryHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestShelleyHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TraceAcceptPolicy = true ;
TraceBlockFetchClient = false ;
TraceBlockFetchDecisions = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocol = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocolSerialised = false ;
TraceBlockFetchServer = false ;
TraceChainDb = true ;
TraceChainSyncBlockServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncClient = false ;
TraceChainSyncHeaderServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceConnectionManager = true ;
TraceDNSResolver = true ;
TraceDNSSubscription = true ;
TraceDiffusionInitialization = true ;
TraceErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceForge = true ;
TraceHandshake = true ;
TraceInboundGovernor = true ;
TraceIpSubscription = true ;
TraceLedgerPeers = true ;
TraceLocalChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalConnectionManager = true ;
TraceLocalErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceLocalHandshake = true ;
TraceLocalRootPeers = true ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionServer = false ;
TraceMempool = true ;
TraceMux = false ;
TracePeerSelection = true ;
TracePeerSelectionActions = true ;
TracePublicRootPeers = true ;
TraceServer = true ;
TraceTxInbound = false ;
TraceTxOutbound = false ;
TraceTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TracingVerbosity = "NormalVerbosity" ;
TurnOnLogMetrics = true ;
TurnOnLogging = true ;
defaultBackends = [
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hasPrometheus = [
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options = {
mapBackends = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = [
"cardano.node.resources" = [
mapSubtrace = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = {
subtrace = "Neutral" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
setupBackends = [
setupScribes = [
scFormat = "ScText" ;
scKind = "StdoutSK" ;
scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
private = true ;
relaysNew = "" ;
smashUrl = "" ;
submitApiConfig = {
EnableLogMetrics = false ;
EnableLogging = true ;
GenesisHash = "200222f56d3582c58af09ba58d53e294fcca5de2fc6a27913803e427cdf147f3" ;
PrometheusPort = 8080 ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
minSeverity = "Info" ;
options = {
cfokey = {
value = "Release-1.0.0" ;
mapBackends = { };
mapSeverity = {
db-sync-node = "Info" ;
"db-sync-node.Mux" = "Error" ;
"db-sync-node.Subscription" = "Error" ;
mapSubtrace = {
"#ekgview" = {
contents = [
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = ".monoclock.basic." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.cpuNs.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "#ekgview.#aggregation.cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "StartsWith" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.gcNum.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
subtrace = "FilterTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.aggregation" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.ekgview" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.katip" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.monitoring" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.switchboard" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
benchmark = {
contents = [
subtrace = "ObservableTrace" ;
"cardano.epoch-validation.utxo-stats" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
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scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
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usePeersFromLedgerAfterSlot = 1886369 ;
sanchonet = {
consensusProtocol = "Cardano" ;
dbSyncConfig = {
EnableFutureGenesis = true ;
EnableLogMetrics = false ;
EnableLogging = true ;
NetworkName = "sanchonet" ;
NodeConfigFile = "/nix/store/safwck7da2213agm8j7aivs9ljb91k8l-config-sanchonet.json" ;
PrometheusPort = 8080 ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
minSeverity = "Info" ;
options = {
cfokey = {
value = "Release-1.0.0" ;
mapBackends = { };
mapSeverity = {
db-sync-node = "Info" ;
"db-sync-node.Mux" = "Error" ;
"db-sync-node.Subscription" = "Error" ;
mapSubtrace = {
"#ekgview" = {
contents = [
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = ".monoclock.basic." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.cpuNs.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "#ekgview.#aggregation.cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "StartsWith" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.gcNum.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
subtrace = "FilterTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.aggregation" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.ekgview" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.katip" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.monitoring" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.switchboard" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
benchmark = {
contents = [
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"cardano.epoch-validation.utxo-stats" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
rotation = {
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rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
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scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
domain = "" ;
edgeNodes = [
addr = "" ;
port = 3001 ;
edgePort = 3001 ;
explorerConfig = {
NetworkName = "sanchonet" ;
NodeConfigFile = "/nix/store/safwck7da2213agm8j7aivs9ljb91k8l-config-sanchonet.json" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
explorerUrl = "" ;
extraDbSyncConfig = {
enableFutureGenesis = true ;
metadataUrl = "" ;
mithrilAggregatorEndpointUrl = "" ;
mithrilEraReaderParams = {
address = "addr_test1qrg9v8xjjjjx95k2h2gquwrah8424798wqa5exuyhqpcggfyse0nuafkp7rnkxsssxue37259lfhemjdhs333u7v0gwsd0dr30" ;
verification_key = "5b35352c3232382c3134342c38372c3133382c3133362c34382c382c31342c3138372c38352c3134382c39372c3233322c3235352c3232392c33382c3234342c3234372c3230342c3139382c31332c33312c3232322c32352c3136342c35322c3130322c39312c3132302c3230382c3134375d" ;
mithrilGenesisVerificationKey = "5b3132372c37332c3132342c3136312c362c3133372c3133312c3231332c3230372c3131372c3139382c38352c3137362c3139392c3136322c3234312c36382c3132332c3131392c3134352c31332c3233322c3234332c34392c3232392c322c3234392c3230352c3230352c33392c3233352c34345d" ;
mithrilSignerConfig = {
aggregator_endpoint = "" ;
era_reader_adapter_params = "{ \" address \" : \" addr_test1qrg9v8xjjjjx95k2h2gquwrah8424798wqa5exuyhqpcggfyse0nuafkp7rnkxsssxue37259lfhemjdhs333u7v0gwsd0dr30 \" , \" verification_key \" : \" 5b35352c3232382c3134342c38372c3133382c3133362c34382c382c31342c3138372c38352c3134382c39372c3233322c3235352c3232392c33382c3234342c3234372c3230342c3139382c31332c33312c3232322c32352c3136342c35322c3130322c39312c3132302c3230382c3134375d \" }" ;
era_reader_adapter_type = "cardano-chain" ;
network = "sanchonet" ;
network_magic = 4 ;
run_interval = 60000 ;
store_retention_limit = 5 ;
name = "sanchonet" ;
networkConfig = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/sanchonet/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "8bedcaea62107d8a79ed5293b0027b3f8706a4bc2422f33380cb1fd01c6fa6ec" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/sanchonet/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "785eb88427e136378a15b0a152a8bfbeec7a611529ccda29c43a1e60ffb48eaa" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/sanchonet/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "e85ee5b7af8ca5c273c20746c9f994aef1a72a79c38b4eea230817e7e66c0741" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
ExperimentalHardForksEnabled = true ;
ExperimentalProtocolsEnabled = true ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 1 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = true ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/sanchonet/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "f94457ec45a0c6773057a529533cf7ccf746cb44dabd56ae970e1dbfb55bfdb2" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 150 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 60 ;
TestAllegraHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestAlonzoHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestMaryHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestShelleyHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
networkConfigBp = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/sanchonet/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "8bedcaea62107d8a79ed5293b0027b3f8706a4bc2422f33380cb1fd01c6fa6ec" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/sanchonet/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "785eb88427e136378a15b0a152a8bfbeec7a611529ccda29c43a1e60ffb48eaa" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/sanchonet/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "e85ee5b7af8ca5c273c20746c9f994aef1a72a79c38b4eea230817e7e66c0741" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
ExperimentalHardForksEnabled = true ;
ExperimentalProtocolsEnabled = true ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 1 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = false ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/sanchonet/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "f94457ec45a0c6773057a529533cf7ccf746cb44dabd56ae970e1dbfb55bfdb2" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 100 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 100 ;
TestAllegraHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestAlonzoHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestMaryHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestShelleyHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
nodeConfig = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/sanchonet/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "8bedcaea62107d8a79ed5293b0027b3f8706a4bc2422f33380cb1fd01c6fa6ec" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/sanchonet/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "785eb88427e136378a15b0a152a8bfbeec7a611529ccda29c43a1e60ffb48eaa" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/sanchonet/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "e85ee5b7af8ca5c273c20746c9f994aef1a72a79c38b4eea230817e7e66c0741" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
ExperimentalHardForksEnabled = true ;
ExperimentalProtocolsEnabled = true ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 1 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = true ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/sanchonet/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "f94457ec45a0c6773057a529533cf7ccf746cb44dabd56ae970e1dbfb55bfdb2" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 150 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 60 ;
TestAllegraHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestAlonzoHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestMaryHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestShelleyHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TraceAcceptPolicy = true ;
TraceBlockFetchClient = false ;
TraceBlockFetchDecisions = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocol = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocolSerialised = false ;
TraceBlockFetchServer = false ;
TraceChainDb = true ;
TraceChainSyncBlockServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncClient = false ;
TraceChainSyncHeaderServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceConnectionManager = true ;
TraceDNSResolver = true ;
TraceDNSSubscription = true ;
TraceDiffusionInitialization = true ;
TraceErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceForge = true ;
TraceHandshake = true ;
TraceInboundGovernor = true ;
TraceIpSubscription = true ;
TraceLedgerPeers = true ;
TraceLocalChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalConnectionManager = true ;
TraceLocalErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceLocalHandshake = true ;
TraceLocalRootPeers = true ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionServer = false ;
TraceMempool = true ;
TraceMux = false ;
TracePeerSelection = true ;
TracePeerSelectionActions = true ;
TracePublicRootPeers = true ;
TraceServer = true ;
TraceTxInbound = false ;
TraceTxOutbound = false ;
TraceTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TracingVerbosity = "NormalVerbosity" ;
TurnOnLogMetrics = true ;
TurnOnLogging = true ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
hasEKG = 12788 ;
hasPrometheus = [
minSeverity = "Info" ;
options = {
mapBackends = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = [
"cardano.node.resources" = [
mapSubtrace = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = {
subtrace = "Neutral" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
setupBackends = [
setupScribes = [
scFormat = "ScText" ;
scKind = "StdoutSK" ;
scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
nodeConfigBp = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/sanchonet/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "8bedcaea62107d8a79ed5293b0027b3f8706a4bc2422f33380cb1fd01c6fa6ec" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/sanchonet/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "785eb88427e136378a15b0a152a8bfbeec7a611529ccda29c43a1e60ffb48eaa" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/sanchonet/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "e85ee5b7af8ca5c273c20746c9f994aef1a72a79c38b4eea230817e7e66c0741" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
ExperimentalHardForksEnabled = true ;
ExperimentalProtocolsEnabled = true ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 1 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = false ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/sanchonet/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "f94457ec45a0c6773057a529533cf7ccf746cb44dabd56ae970e1dbfb55bfdb2" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 100 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 100 ;
TestAllegraHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestAlonzoHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestMaryHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestShelleyHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TraceAcceptPolicy = true ;
TraceBlockFetchClient = false ;
TraceBlockFetchDecisions = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocol = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocolSerialised = false ;
TraceBlockFetchServer = false ;
TraceChainDb = true ;
TraceChainSyncBlockServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncClient = false ;
TraceChainSyncHeaderServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceConnectionManager = true ;
TraceDNSResolver = true ;
TraceDNSSubscription = true ;
TraceDiffusionInitialization = true ;
TraceErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceForge = true ;
TraceHandshake = true ;
TraceInboundGovernor = true ;
TraceIpSubscription = true ;
TraceLedgerPeers = true ;
TraceLocalChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalConnectionManager = true ;
TraceLocalErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceLocalHandshake = true ;
TraceLocalRootPeers = true ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionServer = false ;
TraceMempool = true ;
TraceMux = false ;
TracePeerSelection = true ;
TracePeerSelectionActions = true ;
TracePublicRootPeers = true ;
TraceServer = true ;
TraceTxInbound = false ;
TraceTxOutbound = false ;
TraceTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TracingVerbosity = "NormalVerbosity" ;
TurnOnLogMetrics = true ;
TurnOnLogging = true ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
hasEKG = 12788 ;
hasPrometheus = [
minSeverity = "Info" ;
options = {
mapBackends = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = [
"cardano.node.resources" = [
mapSubtrace = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = {
subtrace = "Neutral" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
setupBackends = [
setupScribes = [
scFormat = "ScText" ;
scKind = "StdoutSK" ;
scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
private = false ;
relaysNew = "" ;
smashUrl = "" ;
submitApiConfig = {
EnableLogMetrics = false ;
EnableLogging = true ;
GenesisHash = "785eb88427e136378a15b0a152a8bfbeec7a611529ccda29c43a1e60ffb48eaa" ;
PrometheusPort = 8080 ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
minSeverity = "Info" ;
options = {
cfokey = {
value = "Release-1.0.0" ;
mapBackends = { };
mapSeverity = {
db-sync-node = "Info" ;
"db-sync-node.Mux" = "Error" ;
"db-sync-node.Subscription" = "Error" ;
mapSubtrace = {
"#ekgview" = {
contents = [
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = ".monoclock.basic." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.cpuNs.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "#ekgview.#aggregation.cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "StartsWith" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.gcNum.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
subtrace = "FilterTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.aggregation" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.ekgview" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.katip" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.monitoring" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.switchboard" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
benchmark = {
contents = [
subtrace = "ObservableTrace" ;
"cardano.epoch-validation.utxo-stats" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
setupBackends = [
setupScribes = [
scFormat = "ScText" ;
scKind = "StdoutSK" ;
scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
useByronWallet = false ;
usePeersFromLedgerAfterSlot = 33695977 ;
shelley_qa = {
consensusProtocol = "Cardano" ;
dbSyncConfig = {
EnableFutureGenesis = false ;
EnableLogMetrics = false ;
EnableLogging = true ;
NetworkName = "shelley_qa" ;
NodeConfigFile = "/nix/store/4sgw9dw44g1zfd2biv5bw4h4c79gs9n2-config-shelley_qa.json" ;
PrometheusPort = 8080 ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
minSeverity = "Info" ;
options = {
cfokey = {
value = "Release-1.0.0" ;
mapBackends = { };
mapSeverity = {
db-sync-node = "Info" ;
"db-sync-node.Mux" = "Error" ;
"db-sync-node.Subscription" = "Error" ;
mapSubtrace = {
"#ekgview" = {
contents = [
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = ".monoclock.basic." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.cpuNs.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "#ekgview.#aggregation.cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "StartsWith" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.gcNum.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
subtrace = "FilterTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.aggregation" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.ekgview" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.katip" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.monitoring" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.switchboard" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
benchmark = {
contents = [
subtrace = "ObservableTrace" ;
"cardano.epoch-validation.utxo-stats" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
setupBackends = [
setupScribes = [
scFormat = "ScText" ;
scKind = "StdoutSK" ;
scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
domain = "" ;
edgeNodes = [
addr = "" ;
port = 3001 ;
edgePort = 3001 ;
explorerConfig = {
NetworkName = "shelley_qa" ;
NodeConfigFile = "/nix/store/4sgw9dw44g1zfd2biv5bw4h4c79gs9n2-config-shelley_qa.json" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
explorerUrl = "" ;
metadataUrl = "" ;
mithrilSignerConfig = {
network = "shelley_qa" ;
network_magic = 3 ;
run_interval = 60000 ;
store_retention_limit = 5 ;
name = "shelley_qa" ;
networkConfig = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/shelley_qa/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "8bedcaea62107d8a79ed5293b0027b3f8706a4bc2422f33380cb1fd01c6fa6ec" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/shelley_qa/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "273cd12237b98d02f108c9c50063d29a8d1d7f32e9a75ade7cd48e08b3070258" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/shelley_qa/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "91bedad42212c07f6abdafedb7e7c8577fbd07152c695ffae1ab2a528741c6e4" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
ExperimentalHardForksEnabled = true ;
ExperimentalProtocolsEnabled = true ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 1 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = true ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/shelley_qa/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "73a9f6bdb0aa97f5e63190a6f14a702bd64a21f2bec831cbfc28f6037128b952" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 150 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 60 ;
TestAllegraHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestAlonzoHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestMaryHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestShelleyHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
minSeverity = "Debug" ;
networkConfigBp = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/shelley_qa/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "8bedcaea62107d8a79ed5293b0027b3f8706a4bc2422f33380cb1fd01c6fa6ec" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/shelley_qa/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "273cd12237b98d02f108c9c50063d29a8d1d7f32e9a75ade7cd48e08b3070258" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/shelley_qa/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "91bedad42212c07f6abdafedb7e7c8577fbd07152c695ffae1ab2a528741c6e4" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
ExperimentalHardForksEnabled = true ;
ExperimentalProtocolsEnabled = true ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 1 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = false ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/shelley_qa/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "73a9f6bdb0aa97f5e63190a6f14a702bd64a21f2bec831cbfc28f6037128b952" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 100 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 100 ;
TestAllegraHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestAlonzoHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestMaryHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestShelleyHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
minSeverity = "Debug" ;
nodeConfig = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/shelley_qa/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "8bedcaea62107d8a79ed5293b0027b3f8706a4bc2422f33380cb1fd01c6fa6ec" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/shelley_qa/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "273cd12237b98d02f108c9c50063d29a8d1d7f32e9a75ade7cd48e08b3070258" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/shelley_qa/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "91bedad42212c07f6abdafedb7e7c8577fbd07152c695ffae1ab2a528741c6e4" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
ExperimentalHardForksEnabled = true ;
ExperimentalProtocolsEnabled = true ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 1 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = true ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/shelley_qa/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "73a9f6bdb0aa97f5e63190a6f14a702bd64a21f2bec831cbfc28f6037128b952" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 150 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 60 ;
TestAllegraHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestAlonzoHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestMaryHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestShelleyHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TraceAcceptPolicy = true ;
TraceBlockFetchClient = false ;
TraceBlockFetchDecisions = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocol = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocolSerialised = false ;
TraceBlockFetchServer = false ;
TraceChainDb = true ;
TraceChainSyncBlockServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncClient = false ;
TraceChainSyncHeaderServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceConnectionManager = true ;
TraceDNSResolver = true ;
TraceDNSSubscription = true ;
TraceDiffusionInitialization = true ;
TraceErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceForge = true ;
TraceHandshake = true ;
TraceInboundGovernor = true ;
TraceIpSubscription = true ;
TraceLedgerPeers = true ;
TraceLocalChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalConnectionManager = true ;
TraceLocalErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceLocalHandshake = true ;
TraceLocalRootPeers = true ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionServer = false ;
TraceMempool = true ;
TraceMux = false ;
TracePeerSelection = true ;
TracePeerSelectionActions = true ;
TracePublicRootPeers = true ;
TraceServer = true ;
TraceTxInbound = false ;
TraceTxOutbound = false ;
TraceTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TracingVerbosity = "NormalVerbosity" ;
TurnOnLogMetrics = true ;
TurnOnLogging = true ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
hasEKG = 12788 ;
hasPrometheus = [
minSeverity = "Debug" ;
options = {
mapBackends = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = [
"cardano.node.resources" = [
mapSubtrace = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = {
subtrace = "Neutral" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
setupBackends = [
setupScribes = [
scFormat = "ScText" ;
scKind = "StdoutSK" ;
scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
nodeConfigBp = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/shelley_qa/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "8bedcaea62107d8a79ed5293b0027b3f8706a4bc2422f33380cb1fd01c6fa6ec" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/shelley_qa/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "273cd12237b98d02f108c9c50063d29a8d1d7f32e9a75ade7cd48e08b3070258" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/shelley_qa/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "91bedad42212c07f6abdafedb7e7c8577fbd07152c695ffae1ab2a528741c6e4" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
ExperimentalHardForksEnabled = true ;
ExperimentalProtocolsEnabled = true ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 1 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = false ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/shelley_qa/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "73a9f6bdb0aa97f5e63190a6f14a702bd64a21f2bec831cbfc28f6037128b952" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 100 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 100 ;
TestAllegraHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestAlonzoHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestMaryHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TestShelleyHardForkAtEpoch = 0 ;
TraceAcceptPolicy = true ;
TraceBlockFetchClient = false ;
TraceBlockFetchDecisions = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocol = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocolSerialised = false ;
TraceBlockFetchServer = false ;
TraceChainDb = true ;
TraceChainSyncBlockServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncClient = false ;
TraceChainSyncHeaderServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceConnectionManager = true ;
TraceDNSResolver = true ;
TraceDNSSubscription = true ;
TraceDiffusionInitialization = true ;
TraceErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceForge = true ;
TraceHandshake = true ;
TraceInboundGovernor = true ;
TraceIpSubscription = true ;
TraceLedgerPeers = true ;
TraceLocalChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalConnectionManager = true ;
TraceLocalErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceLocalHandshake = true ;
TraceLocalRootPeers = true ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionServer = false ;
TraceMempool = true ;
TraceMux = false ;
TracePeerSelection = true ;
TracePeerSelectionActions = true ;
TracePublicRootPeers = true ;
TraceServer = true ;
TraceTxInbound = false ;
TraceTxOutbound = false ;
TraceTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TracingVerbosity = "NormalVerbosity" ;
TurnOnLogMetrics = true ;
TurnOnLogging = true ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
hasEKG = 12788 ;
hasPrometheus = [
minSeverity = "Debug" ;
options = {
mapBackends = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = [
"cardano.node.resources" = [
mapSubtrace = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = {
subtrace = "Neutral" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
setupBackends = [
setupScribes = [
scFormat = "ScText" ;
scKind = "StdoutSK" ;
scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
private = true ;
relaysNew = "" ;
smashUrl = "" ;
submitApiConfig = {
EnableLogMetrics = false ;
EnableLogging = true ;
GenesisHash = "273cd12237b98d02f108c9c50063d29a8d1d7f32e9a75ade7cd48e08b3070258" ;
PrometheusPort = 8080 ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
minSeverity = "Info" ;
options = {
cfokey = {
value = "Release-1.0.0" ;
mapBackends = { };
mapSeverity = {
db-sync-node = "Info" ;
"db-sync-node.Mux" = "Error" ;
"db-sync-node.Subscription" = "Error" ;
mapSubtrace = {
"#ekgview" = {
contents = [
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = ".monoclock.basic." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.cpuNs.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "#ekgview.#aggregation.cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "StartsWith" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.gcNum.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
subtrace = "FilterTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.aggregation" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.ekgview" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.katip" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.monitoring" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.switchboard" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
benchmark = {
contents = [
subtrace = "ObservableTrace" ;
"cardano.epoch-validation.utxo-stats" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
setupBackends = [
setupScribes = [
scFormat = "ScText" ;
scKind = "StdoutSK" ;
scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
useByronWallet = false ;
usePeersFromLedgerAfterSlot = 31348805 ;
testnet = {
confKey = "testnet_full" ;
consensusProtocol = "Cardano" ;
dbSyncConfig = {
EnableFutureGenesis = false ;
EnableLogMetrics = false ;
EnableLogging = true ;
NetworkName = "testnet" ;
NodeConfigFile = "/nix/store/ac579847xn66vkyqgpfk3kb8czzw7mak-config-testnet.json" ;
PrometheusPort = 8080 ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
minSeverity = "Info" ;
options = {
cfokey = {
value = "Release-1.0.0" ;
mapBackends = { };
mapSeverity = {
db-sync-node = "Info" ;
"db-sync-node.Mux" = "Error" ;
"db-sync-node.Subscription" = "Error" ;
mapSubtrace = {
"#ekgview" = {
contents = [
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = ".monoclock.basic." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.cpuNs.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "#ekgview.#aggregation.cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "StartsWith" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.gcNum.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
subtrace = "FilterTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.aggregation" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.ekgview" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.katip" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.monitoring" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.switchboard" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
benchmark = {
contents = [
subtrace = "ObservableTrace" ;
"cardano.epoch-validation.utxo-stats" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
setupBackends = [
setupScribes = [
scFormat = "ScText" ;
scKind = "StdoutSK" ;
scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
edgeNodes = [ ];
edgePort = 3001 ;
explorerConfig = {
NetworkName = "testnet" ;
NodeConfigFile = "/nix/store/ac579847xn66vkyqgpfk3kb8czzw7mak-config-testnet.json" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
explorerUrl = "" ;
metadataUrl = "" ;
mithrilSignerConfig = {
network = "testnet" ;
network_magic = 1097911063 ;
run_interval = 60000 ;
store_retention_limit = 5 ;
networkConfig = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/testnet/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "7e94a15f55d1e82d10f09203fa1d40f8eede58fd8066542cf6566008068ed874" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/testnet/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "96fceff972c2c06bd3bb5243c39215333be6d56aaf4823073dca31afe5038471" ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 0 ;
MaxKnownMajorProtocolVersion = 2 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/testnet/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "849a1764f152e1b09c89c0dfdbcbdd38d711d1fec2db5dfa0f87cf2737a0eaf4" ;
networkConfigBp = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/testnet/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "7e94a15f55d1e82d10f09203fa1d40f8eede58fd8066542cf6566008068ed874" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/testnet/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "96fceff972c2c06bd3bb5243c39215333be6d56aaf4823073dca31afe5038471" ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 0 ;
MaxKnownMajorProtocolVersion = 2 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/testnet/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "849a1764f152e1b09c89c0dfdbcbdd38d711d1fec2db5dfa0f87cf2737a0eaf4" ;
nodeConfig = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/testnet/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "7e94a15f55d1e82d10f09203fa1d40f8eede58fd8066542cf6566008068ed874" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/testnet/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "96fceff972c2c06bd3bb5243c39215333be6d56aaf4823073dca31afe5038471" ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 0 ;
MaxKnownMajorProtocolVersion = 2 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/testnet/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "849a1764f152e1b09c89c0dfdbcbdd38d711d1fec2db5dfa0f87cf2737a0eaf4" ;
TraceAcceptPolicy = true ;
TraceBlockFetchClient = false ;
TraceBlockFetchDecisions = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocol = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocolSerialised = false ;
TraceBlockFetchServer = false ;
TraceChainDb = true ;
TraceChainSyncBlockServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncClient = false ;
TraceChainSyncHeaderServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceConnectionManager = true ;
TraceDNSResolver = true ;
TraceDNSSubscription = true ;
TraceDiffusionInitialization = true ;
TraceErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceForge = true ;
TraceHandshake = true ;
TraceInboundGovernor = true ;
TraceIpSubscription = true ;
TraceLedgerPeers = true ;
TraceLocalChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalConnectionManager = true ;
TraceLocalErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceLocalHandshake = true ;
TraceLocalRootPeers = true ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionServer = false ;
TraceMempool = true ;
TraceMux = false ;
TracePeerSelection = true ;
TracePeerSelectionActions = true ;
TracePublicRootPeers = true ;
TraceServer = true ;
TraceTxInbound = false ;
TraceTxOutbound = false ;
TraceTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TracingVerbosity = "NormalVerbosity" ;
TurnOnLogMetrics = true ;
TurnOnLogging = true ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
hasEKG = 12788 ;
hasPrometheus = [
minSeverity = "Info" ;
options = {
mapBackends = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = [
"cardano.node.resources" = [
mapSubtrace = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = {
subtrace = "Neutral" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
setupBackends = [
setupScribes = [
scFormat = "ScText" ;
scKind = "StdoutSK" ;
scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
nodeConfigBp = {
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/testnet/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "7e94a15f55d1e82d10f09203fa1d40f8eede58fd8066542cf6566008068ed874" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/testnet/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "96fceff972c2c06bd3bb5243c39215333be6d56aaf4823073dca31afe5038471" ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 0 ;
MaxKnownMajorProtocolVersion = 2 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/testnet/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "849a1764f152e1b09c89c0dfdbcbdd38d711d1fec2db5dfa0f87cf2737a0eaf4" ;
TraceAcceptPolicy = true ;
TraceBlockFetchClient = false ;
TraceBlockFetchDecisions = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocol = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocolSerialised = false ;
TraceBlockFetchServer = false ;
TraceChainDb = true ;
TraceChainSyncBlockServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncClient = false ;
TraceChainSyncHeaderServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceConnectionManager = true ;
TraceDNSResolver = true ;
TraceDNSSubscription = true ;
TraceDiffusionInitialization = true ;
TraceErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceForge = true ;
TraceHandshake = true ;
TraceInboundGovernor = true ;
TraceIpSubscription = true ;
TraceLedgerPeers = true ;
TraceLocalChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalConnectionManager = true ;
TraceLocalErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceLocalHandshake = true ;
TraceLocalRootPeers = true ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionServer = false ;
TraceMempool = true ;
TraceMux = false ;
TracePeerSelection = true ;
TracePeerSelectionActions = true ;
TracePublicRootPeers = true ;
TraceServer = true ;
TraceTxInbound = false ;
TraceTxOutbound = false ;
TraceTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TracingVerbosity = "NormalVerbosity" ;
TurnOnLogMetrics = true ;
TurnOnLogging = true ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
hasEKG = 12788 ;
hasPrometheus = [
minSeverity = "Info" ;
options = {
mapBackends = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = [
"cardano.node.resources" = [
mapSubtrace = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = {
subtrace = "Neutral" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
setupBackends = [
setupScribes = [
scFormat = "ScText" ;
scKind = "StdoutSK" ;
scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
private = true ;
relays = "" ;
relaysNew = "" ;
smashUrl = "" ;
submitApiConfig = {
EnableLogMetrics = false ;
EnableLogging = true ;
GenesisHash = "96fceff972c2c06bd3bb5243c39215333be6d56aaf4823073dca31afe5038471" ;
PrometheusPort = 8080 ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresMagic" ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
minSeverity = "Info" ;
options = {
cfokey = {
value = "Release-1.0.0" ;
mapBackends = { };
mapSeverity = {
db-sync-node = "Info" ;
"db-sync-node.Mux" = "Error" ;
"db-sync-node.Subscription" = "Error" ;
mapSubtrace = {
"#ekgview" = {
contents = [
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = ".monoclock.basic." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.cpuNs.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
contents = "#ekgview.#aggregation.cardano.epoch-validation.benchmark" ;
tag = "StartsWith" ;
contents = "diff.RTS.gcNum.timed." ;
tag = "Contains" ;
subtrace = "FilterTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.aggregation" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.ekgview" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.katip" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.monitoring" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
"#messagecounters.switchboard" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
benchmark = {
contents = [
subtrace = "ObservableTrace" ;
"cardano.epoch-validation.utxo-stats" = {
subtrace = "NoTrace" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
setupBackends = [
setupScribes = [
scFormat = "ScText" ;
scKind = "StdoutSK" ;
scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
useByronWallet = true ;
usePeersFromLedgerAfterSlot = -1 ;
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
The cardano-node executable invocation to use
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Extra CLI args for ‘cardano-node’.
list of string
[ ]
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Additional node config.
attribute set
{ }
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Additional node config for a particular instance.
function that evaluates to a(n) (attribute set)
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Extra systemd service config (apply to all instances).
function that evaluates to a(n) (attribute set)
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Extra systemd socket config (apply to all instances).
function that evaluates to a(n) (attribute set)
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
A developer-oriented dictionary option to force hard forks for given eras at given epochs. Maps capitalised era names (Shelley, Allegra, Mary, etc.) to hard fork epoch number.
attribute set of signed integer
{ }
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
The host address to bind to
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Static routes to local peers, specific to a given instance (when multiple instances are used).
function that evaluates to a(n) list of (attribute set)
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Routes to public peers. Only used if slot < usePeersFromLedgerAfterSlot and specific to a given instance (when multiple instances are used).
function that evaluates to a(n) list of (attribute set)
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Number of instance of the service to run.
signed integer
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
The ipv6 host address to bind to. Set to null to disable.
null or string or function that evaluates to a(n) (null or string)
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Whether this node is intended to be a producer.
Internal option for inter-module communication.
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Signing key
null or string or path
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Node UTxO-HD LMDB path for performant disk I/O, for each instance.
This could point to a direct-access SSD, with a specifically created journal-less file system and optimized mount options.
null or string or function that evaluates to a(n) (null or string)
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Internal representation of the config.
attribute set
This value is long. Click to expand.
AlonzoGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/mainnet/alonzo-genesis.json ;
AlonzoGenesisHash = "7e94a15f55d1e82d10f09203fa1d40f8eede58fd8066542cf6566008068ed874" ;
ByronGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/mainnet/byron-genesis.json ;
ByronGenesisHash = "5f20df933584822601f9e3f8c024eb5eb252fe8cefb24d1317dc3d432e940ebb" ;
ConwayGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/mainnet/conway-genesis.json ;
ConwayGenesisHash = "15a199f895e461ec0ffc6dd4e4028af28a492ab4e806d39cb674c88f7643ef62" ;
EnableP2P = true ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt = 0 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Major = 3 ;
LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor = 0 ;
MaxKnownMajorProtocolVersion = 2 ;
MinNodeVersion = "8.12.0" ;
PeerSharing = true ;
Protocol = "Cardano" ;
RequiresNetworkMagic = "RequiresNoMagic" ;
ShelleyGenesisFile = /nix/store/lcjqjabk3z438scr2z4n7n23rrgxdi17-source/cardano-lib/mainnet/shelley-genesis.json ;
ShelleyGenesisHash = "1a3be38bcbb7911969283716ad7aa550250226b76a61fc51cc9a9a35d9276d81" ;
TargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20 ;
TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50 ;
TargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 150 ;
TargetNumberOfRootPeers = 60 ;
TraceAcceptPolicy = true ;
TraceBlockFetchClient = false ;
TraceBlockFetchDecisions = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocol = false ;
TraceBlockFetchProtocolSerialised = false ;
TraceBlockFetchServer = false ;
TraceChainDb = true ;
TraceChainSyncBlockServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncClient = false ;
TraceChainSyncHeaderServer = false ;
TraceChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceConnectionManager = true ;
TraceDNSResolver = true ;
TraceDNSSubscription = true ;
TraceDiffusionInitialization = true ;
TraceErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceForge = true ;
TraceHandshake = true ;
TraceInboundGovernor = true ;
TraceIpSubscription = true ;
TraceLedgerPeers = true ;
TraceLocalChainSyncProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalConnectionManager = true ;
TraceLocalErrorPolicy = true ;
TraceLocalHandshake = true ;
TraceLocalRootPeers = true ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TraceLocalTxSubmissionServer = false ;
TraceMempool = false ;
TraceMux = false ;
TracePeerSelection = true ;
TracePeerSelectionActions = true ;
TracePublicRootPeers = true ;
TraceServer = true ;
TraceTxInbound = false ;
TraceTxOutbound = false ;
TraceTxSubmissionProtocol = false ;
TracingVerbosity = "NormalVerbosity" ;
TurnOnLogMetrics = true ;
TurnOnLogging = true ;
defaultBackends = [
defaultScribes = [
hasEKG = 12788 ;
hasPrometheus = [
minSeverity = "Info" ;
options = {
mapBackends = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = [
"cardano.node.resources" = [
mapSubtrace = {
"cardano.node.metrics" = {
subtrace = "Neutral" ;
rotation = {
rpKeepFilesNum = 10 ;
rpLogLimitBytes = 5000000 ;
rpMaxAgeHours = 24 ;
setupBackends = [
setupScribes = [
scFormat = "ScText" ;
scKind = "StdoutSK" ;
scName = "stdout" ;
scRotation = null ;
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Actual configuration file (shell expression).
null or string
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
The ID for this node
signed integer
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Operational certificate
null or string or path
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
The port number
signed integer or string
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Static routes to local peers.
list of (attribute set)
[ ]
accessPoints = [
address = "";
port = 3001;
advertise = false;
valency = 1;
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
one of “none”, “time”, “time-detail”, “space”, “space-cost”, “space-module”, “space-closure”, “space-type”, “space-retainer”, “space-bio”, “space-heap”
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
RTS profiling options
list of string
[ ]
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Routes to public peers. Only used if slot < usePeersFromLedgerAfterSlot
list of (attribute set)
[ ]
accessPoints = [
address = "";
port = 3001;
advertise = false;
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Extra CLI args for ‘cardano-node’, to be surrounded by “+RTS”/“-RTS”
list of string
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
RTS flags override from profile content.
list of string
[ ]
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Runtime directory relative to /run, for each instance
null or string or function that evaluates to a(n) (null or string)
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
This value is long. Click to expand.
echo "Starting: exec /nix/store/n7ak0pphzvgd5iwgl443ysyhd2jyk4mz-cardano-node-exe-cardano-node-9.1.1/bin/cardano-node run"
echo "--config /nix/store/kq04x2fjvnmv11fawj870fixsma9g47x-config-0-0.json"
echo "--database-path /var/lib/cardano-node/db-mainnet"
echo "--topology /nix/store/kdc84liz9lm4r0vpzf8pgvan66ch9x35-topology.yaml"
echo "--host-addr"
echo "--port 3001"
echo "--socket-path /run/cardano-node/node.socket"
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo "+RTS"
echo "-N2"
echo "-I0"
echo "-A16m"
echo "-qg"
echo "-qb"
echo "--disable-delayed-os-memory-return"
echo "-RTS"
echo "..or, once again, in a single line:"
echo "exec /nix/store/n7ak0pphzvgd5iwgl443ysyhd2jyk4mz-cardano-node-exe-cardano-node-9.1.1/bin/cardano-node run --config /nix/store/kq04x2fjvnmv11fawj870fixsma9g47x-config-0-0.json --database-path /var/lib/cardano-node/db-mainnet --topology /nix/store/kdc84liz9lm4r0vpzf8pgvan66ch9x35-topology.yaml --host-addr --port 3001 --socket-path /run/cardano-node/node.socket +RTS -N2 -I0 -A16m -qg -qb --disable-delayed-os-memory-return -RTS"
exec /nix/store/n7ak0pphzvgd5iwgl443ysyhd2jyk4mz-cardano-node-exe-cardano-node-9.1.1/bin/cardano-node run --config /nix/store/kq04x2fjvnmv11fawj870fixsma9g47x-config-0-0.json --database-path /var/lib/cardano-node/db-mainnet --topology /nix/store/kdc84liz9lm4r0vpzf8pgvan66ch9x35-topology.yaml --host-addr --port 3001 --socket-path /run/cardano-node/node.socket +RTS -N2 -I0 -A16m -qg -qb --disable-delayed-os-memory-return -RTS''
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Should instances on same machine share ipv4 port.
Default: true if systemd activated socket. Otherwise false.
If false use port increments starting from port
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Should instances on same machine share ipv6 port.
Default: true if systemd activated socket. Otherwise false.
If false use port increments starting from port
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Signing key
null or string or path
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
systemd socket group owner.
Note: only applies to sockets created by systemd
(ie. when systemdSocketActivation
is turned on).
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Local communication socket path, for each instance.
string or function that evaluates to a(n) string
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Directory to store blockchain data, for each instance.
string or function that evaluates to a(n) string
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Use systemd socket activation
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Number of peers your node is actively downloading headers and blocks from.
Default to 2/5 of targetNumberOfEstablishedPeers.
signed integer
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Number of peers the node will be connected to, but not necessarily following their chain.
Default to half of targetNumberOfKnownPeers.
signed integer
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Target number for known peers (root peers + peers known through gossip).
Default to targetNumberOfRootPeers.
signed integer
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Limits the maximum number of root peers the node will know about
signed integer
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Cluster topology. If not set producers
array is used to generated topology file.
null or string or path
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Listen for incoming cardano-tracer connection on a local socket,
for each instance.
null or string or function that evaluates to a(n) (null or string)
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Connect to cardano-tracer listening on a local socket,
for each instance.
null or string or function that evaluates to a(n) (null or string)
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Use the legacy tracing, based on iohk-monitoring-framework.
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Use new, p2p/ledger peers compatible topology.
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
If set, bootstraps from public roots until it reaches given slot,
then it switches to using the ledger as a source of peers. It maintains a connection to its local roots.
Default to null for block producers.
null or signed integer
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
If set, systemd will reload cardano-node service units instead of restarting them
if only the topology file has changed and p2p is in use.
Cardano-node topology files will be stored in /etc as:
/etc/cardano-node/topology-${toString i}.yaml
Enabling this option will also allow direct topology edits for tests when a full
service re-deployment is not desired.
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Signing key
null or string or path
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix
On an UTxO-HD enabled node, the in-memory backend is the default. This activates the on-disk backend (LMDB) instead.
boolean or function that evaluates to a(n) boolean
Declared by:
- /nix/store/5wh1fbqhpinnbh90bwr2ljpp704wsv57-source/nix/nixos/cardano-node-service.nix