{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

{- | This module export a helper function that produces a two argument yielding script that
we use to implement the logic for yielding validator, minting policy and staking validator
module Cardano.YTxP.Control.Yielding.Helper (yieldingHelper) where

import Cardano.YTxP.Control.Yielding (PAuthorisedScriptPurpose (PMinting, PRewarding, PSpending), getAuthorisedScriptHash)
import Plutarch.LedgerApi.V2 (
  PCredential (PPubKeyCredential, PScriptCredential),
  PStakingCredential (PStakingHash, PStakingPtr),
import Utils (pcheck, pscriptHashToCurrencySymbol)

-- -   Look at the UTxO at the `n` th entry in the `txInfoReferenceInputs`, where `n` is equal to `authorisedScriptIndex`.
--     -   Call this UTxO `authorisedScriptUTxO`.
--     -   Check that this UTxO is carrying exactly one token with the `authorisedScriptSTCS`. Blow up if not.
--     -   Obtain the hash of the reference script from the authorisedScriptUTxO. Call this hash `AuthorisedScriptHash`.
-- -   Obtain evidence that the a script with `AuthorisedScriptHash` was triggered.
--     If not, blow up. In practice, this will involve either:
--     -   Looking at the `txInfoWithdrawls` field for a staking validator being triggered with the correct StakingCredential
--     -   Looking at the `txInfoInputs` field for a UTxO being spent at the correct address
--     -   Looking at the `txInfoMints` field for a mint with the correct currency symbol

yieldingHelper ::
  forall (s :: S).
  Term s (PCurrencySymbol :--> PData :--> PScriptContext :--> POpaque)
yieldingHelper :: forall (s :: S).
  s (PCurrencySymbol :--> (PData :--> (PScriptContext :--> POpaque)))
yieldingHelper = (Term s PCurrencySymbol
 -> Term s PData -> Term s PScriptContext -> Term s POpaque)
-> Term
     s (PCurrencySymbol :--> (PData :--> (PScriptContext :--> POpaque)))
forall a (b :: PType) (s :: S) (c :: PType).
(PLamN a b s, HasCallStack) =>
(Term s c -> a) -> Term s (c :--> b)
forall (c :: PType).
HasCallStack =>
(Term s c
 -> Term s PData -> Term s PScriptContext -> Term s POpaque)
-> Term s (c :--> (PData :--> (PScriptContext :--> POpaque)))
plam ((Term s PCurrencySymbol
  -> Term s PData -> Term s PScriptContext -> Term s POpaque)
 -> Term
      (PCurrencySymbol :--> (PData :--> (PScriptContext :--> POpaque))))
-> (Term s PCurrencySymbol
    -> Term s PData -> Term s PScriptContext -> Term s POpaque)
-> Term
     s (PCurrencySymbol :--> (PData :--> (PScriptContext :--> POpaque)))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Term s PCurrencySymbol
pylstcs Term s PData
redeemer Term s PScriptContext
ctx -> TermCont @POpaque s (Term s POpaque) -> Term s POpaque
forall (a :: PType) (s :: S). TermCont @a s (Term s a) -> Term s a
unTermCont (TermCont @POpaque s (Term s POpaque) -> Term s POpaque)
-> TermCont @POpaque s (Term s POpaque) -> Term s POpaque
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
  Term s PTxInfo
txInfo <- Term s PTxInfo -> TermCont @POpaque s (Term s PTxInfo)
forall {r :: PType} (s :: S) (a :: PType).
Term s a -> TermCont @r s (Term s a)
pletC (Term s PTxInfo -> TermCont @POpaque s (Term s PTxInfo))
-> Term s PTxInfo -> TermCont @POpaque s (Term s PTxInfo)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Term s (PAsData PTxInfo) -> Term s PTxInfo
forall (a :: PType) (s :: S).
PIsData a =>
Term s (PAsData a) -> Term s a
pfromData (Term s (PAsData PTxInfo) -> Term s PTxInfo)
-> Term s (PAsData PTxInfo) -> Term s PTxInfo
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (name :: Symbol) (b :: PType) (p :: PType) (s :: S)
       (a :: PType) (as :: [PLabeledType]) (n :: Nat).
(PDataFields p,
 (as :: [PLabeledType]) ~ (PFields p :: [PLabeledType]),
 (n :: Nat) ~ (PLabelIndex name as :: Nat), KnownNat n,
 (a :: PType) ~ (PUnLabel (IndexList @PLabeledType n as) :: PType),
 PFromDataable a b) =>
Term s (p :--> b)
pfield @"txInfo" Term s (PScriptContext :--> PAsData PTxInfo)
-> Term s PScriptContext -> Term s (PAsData PTxInfo)
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType) (b :: PType).
Term s (a :--> b) -> Term s a -> Term s b
# Term s PScriptContext
  let txInfoRefInputs :: Term s (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo))
txInfoRefInputs = Term s (PAsData (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo)))
-> Term s (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo))
forall (a :: PType) (s :: S).
PIsData a =>
Term s (PAsData a) -> Term s a
pfromData (Term s (PAsData (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo)))
 -> Term s (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo)))
-> Term s (PAsData (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo)))
-> Term s (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (name :: Symbol) (b :: PType) (p :: PType) (s :: S)
       (a :: PType) (as :: [PLabeledType]) (n :: Nat).
(PDataFields p,
 (as :: [PLabeledType]) ~ (PFields p :: [PLabeledType]),
 (n :: Nat) ~ (PLabelIndex name as :: Nat), KnownNat n,
 (a :: PType) ~ (PUnLabel (IndexList @PLabeledType n as) :: PType),
 PFromDataable a b) =>
Term s (p :--> b)
pfield @"referenceInputs" Term s (PTxInfo :--> PAsData (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo)))
-> Term s PTxInfo
-> Term s (PAsData (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo)))
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType) (b :: PType).
Term s (a :--> b) -> Term s a -> Term s b
# Term s PTxInfo
  Term s PYieldingRedeemer
yieldingRedeemer <- Term s (PAsData PYieldingRedeemer) -> Term s PYieldingRedeemer
forall (a :: PType) (s :: S).
PIsData a =>
Term s (PAsData a) -> Term s a
pfromData (Term s (PAsData PYieldingRedeemer) -> Term s PYieldingRedeemer)
-> ((Term s (PAsData PYieldingRedeemer),
       (PTryFromExcess PData (PAsData PYieldingRedeemer) s)
       (Rep (PTryFromExcess PData (PAsData PYieldingRedeemer) s)))
    -> Term s (PAsData PYieldingRedeemer))
-> (Term s (PAsData PYieldingRedeemer),
      (PTryFromExcess PData (PAsData PYieldingRedeemer) s)
      (Rep (PTryFromExcess PData (PAsData PYieldingRedeemer) s)))
-> Term s PYieldingRedeemer
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (Term s (PAsData PYieldingRedeemer),
   (PTryFromExcess PData (PAsData PYieldingRedeemer) s)
   (Rep (PTryFromExcess PData (PAsData PYieldingRedeemer) s)))
-> Term s (PAsData PYieldingRedeemer)
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst ((Term s (PAsData PYieldingRedeemer),
    (PTryFromExcess PData (PAsData PYieldingRedeemer) s)
    (Rep (PTryFromExcess PData (PAsData PYieldingRedeemer) s)))
 -> Term s PYieldingRedeemer)
-> TermCont
     (Term s (PAsData PYieldingRedeemer),
        (PTryFromExcess PData (PAsData PYieldingRedeemer) s)
        (Rep (PTryFromExcess PData (PAsData PYieldingRedeemer) s)))
-> TermCont @POpaque s (Term s PYieldingRedeemer)
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Term s PData
-> TermCont
     (Term s (PAsData PYieldingRedeemer),
      Reduce (PTryFromExcess PData (PAsData PYieldingRedeemer) s))
forall (b :: PType) (r :: PType) (a :: PType) (s :: S).
PTryFrom a b =>
Term s a -> TermCont @r s (Term s b, Reduce (PTryFromExcess a b s))
ptryFromC Term s PData
  let authorisedScriptHash :: Term s PScriptHash
authorisedScriptHash = Term
   :--> (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo)
         :--> (PYieldingRedeemer :--> PScriptHash)))
forall (s :: S).
   :--> (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo)
         :--> (PYieldingRedeemer :--> PScriptHash)))
getAuthorisedScriptHash Term
   :--> (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo)
         :--> (PYieldingRedeemer :--> PScriptHash)))
-> Term s PCurrencySymbol
-> Term
     (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo)
      :--> (PYieldingRedeemer :--> PScriptHash))
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType) (b :: PType).
Term s (a :--> b) -> Term s a -> Term s b
# Term s PCurrencySymbol
pylstcs Term
  (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo)
   :--> (PYieldingRedeemer :--> PScriptHash))
-> Term s (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo))
-> Term s (PYieldingRedeemer :--> PScriptHash)
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType) (b :: PType).
Term s (a :--> b) -> Term s a -> Term s b
# Term s (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo))
txInfoRefInputs Term s (PYieldingRedeemer :--> PScriptHash)
-> Term s PYieldingRedeemer -> Term s PScriptHash
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType) (b :: PType).
Term s (a :--> b) -> Term s a -> Term s b
# Term s PYieldingRedeemer
      authorisedScriptProofIndex :: Term s (PInner PAuthorisedScriptProofIndex)
authorisedScriptProofIndex = Term s PAuthorisedScriptProofIndex
-> Term s (PInner PAuthorisedScriptProofIndex)
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType). Term s a -> Term s (PInner a)
pto (Term s PAuthorisedScriptProofIndex
 -> Term s (PInner PAuthorisedScriptProofIndex))
-> Term s PAuthorisedScriptProofIndex
-> Term s (PInner PAuthorisedScriptProofIndex)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Term s (PAsData PAuthorisedScriptProofIndex)
-> Term s PAuthorisedScriptProofIndex
forall (a :: PType) (s :: S).
PIsData a =>
Term s (PAsData a) -> Term s a
pfromData (Term s (PAsData PAuthorisedScriptProofIndex)
 -> Term s PAuthorisedScriptProofIndex)
-> Term s (PAsData PAuthorisedScriptProofIndex)
-> Term s PAuthorisedScriptProofIndex
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (name :: Symbol) (b :: PType) (p :: PType) (s :: S)
       (a :: PType) (as :: [PLabeledType]) (n :: Nat).
(PDataFields p,
 (as :: [PLabeledType]) ~ (PFields p :: [PLabeledType]),
 (n :: Nat) ~ (PLabelIndex name as :: Nat), KnownNat n,
 (a :: PType) ~ (PUnLabel (IndexList @PLabeledType n as) :: PType),
 PFromDataable a b) =>
Term s (p :--> b)
pfield @"authorisedScriptProofIndex" Term s (PYieldingRedeemer :--> PAsData PAuthorisedScriptProofIndex)
-> Term s PYieldingRedeemer
-> Term s (PAsData PAuthorisedScriptProofIndex)
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType) (b :: PType).
Term s (a :--> b) -> Term s a -> Term s b
# Term s PYieldingRedeemer
      authorisedScriptPurpose :: Term s PAuthorisedScriptPurpose
authorisedScriptPurpose = Term s (PAsData PAuthorisedScriptPurpose)
-> Term s PAuthorisedScriptPurpose
forall (a :: PType) (s :: S).
PIsData a =>
Term s (PAsData a) -> Term s a
pfromData (Term s (PAsData PAuthorisedScriptPurpose)
 -> Term s PAuthorisedScriptPurpose)
-> Term s (PAsData PAuthorisedScriptPurpose)
-> Term s PAuthorisedScriptPurpose
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Term
  (PBuiltinPair (PAsData PAuthorisedScriptPurpose) (PAsData PInteger)
   :--> PAsData PAuthorisedScriptPurpose)
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType) (b :: PType).
Term s (PBuiltinPair a b :--> a)
pfstBuiltin Term
  (PBuiltinPair (PAsData PAuthorisedScriptPurpose) (PAsData PInteger)
   :--> PAsData PAuthorisedScriptPurpose)
-> Term
        (PAsData PAuthorisedScriptPurpose) (PAsData PInteger))
-> Term s (PAsData PAuthorisedScriptPurpose)
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType) (b :: PType).
Term s (a :--> b) -> Term s a -> Term s b
# Term
     (PAsData PAuthorisedScriptPurpose) (PAsData PInteger))
Term s (PInner PAuthorisedScriptProofIndex)
      authorisedScriptIndex :: Term s PInteger
authorisedScriptIndex = Term s (PAsData PInteger) -> Term s PInteger
forall (a :: PType) (s :: S).
PIsData a =>
Term s (PAsData a) -> Term s a
pfromData (Term s (PAsData PInteger) -> Term s PInteger)
-> Term s (PAsData PInteger) -> Term s PInteger
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Term
  (PBuiltinPair (PAsData PAuthorisedScriptPurpose) (PAsData PInteger)
   :--> PAsData PInteger)
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType) (b :: PType).
Term s (PBuiltinPair a b :--> b)
psndBuiltin Term
  (PBuiltinPair (PAsData PAuthorisedScriptPurpose) (PAsData PInteger)
   :--> PAsData PInteger)
-> Term
        (PAsData PAuthorisedScriptPurpose) (PAsData PInteger))
-> Term s (PAsData PInteger)
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType) (b :: PType).
Term s (a :--> b) -> Term s a -> Term s b
# Term
     (PAsData PAuthorisedScriptPurpose) (PAsData PInteger))
Term s (PInner PAuthorisedScriptProofIndex)
  Term s POpaque -> TermCont @POpaque s (Term s POpaque)
forall a. a -> TermCont @POpaque s a
forall (f :: Type -> Type) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Term s POpaque -> TermCont @POpaque s (Term s POpaque))
-> Term s POpaque -> TermCont @POpaque s (Term s POpaque)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
    Term s PBool -> Term s POpaque
forall (s :: S). Term s PBool -> Term s POpaque
pcheck (Term s PBool -> Term s POpaque) -> Term s PBool -> Term s POpaque
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      Term s PAuthorisedScriptPurpose
-> (PAuthorisedScriptPurpose s -> Term s PBool) -> Term s PBool
forall (a :: PType) (s :: S) (b :: PType).
PlutusType a =>
Term s a -> (a s -> Term s b) -> Term s b
pmatch Term s PAuthorisedScriptPurpose
authorisedScriptPurpose ((PAuthorisedScriptPurpose s -> Term s PBool) -> Term s PBool)
-> (PAuthorisedScriptPurpose s -> Term s PBool) -> Term s PBool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
        PAuthorisedScriptPurpose s
PMinting ->
          let txInfoMints :: Term s (PValue 'Sorted 'NoGuarantees)
txInfoMints = Term s (PAsData (PValue 'Sorted 'NoGuarantees))
-> Term s (PValue 'Sorted 'NoGuarantees)
forall (a :: PType) (s :: S).
PIsData a =>
Term s (PAsData a) -> Term s a
pfromData (Term s (PAsData (PValue 'Sorted 'NoGuarantees))
 -> Term s (PValue 'Sorted 'NoGuarantees))
-> Term s (PAsData (PValue 'Sorted 'NoGuarantees))
-> Term s (PValue 'Sorted 'NoGuarantees)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (name :: Symbol) (b :: PType) (p :: PType) (s :: S)
       (a :: PType) (as :: [PLabeledType]) (n :: Nat).
(PDataFields p,
 (as :: [PLabeledType]) ~ (PFields p :: [PLabeledType]),
 (n :: Nat) ~ (PLabelIndex name as :: Nat), KnownNat n,
 (a :: PType) ~ (PUnLabel (IndexList @PLabeledType n as) :: PType),
 PFromDataable a b) =>
Term s (p :--> b)
pfield @"mint" Term s (PTxInfo :--> PAsData (PValue 'Sorted 'NoGuarantees))
-> Term s PTxInfo
-> Term s (PAsData (PValue 'Sorted 'NoGuarantees))
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType) (b :: PType).
Term s (a :--> b) -> Term s a -> Term s b
# Term s PTxInfo
              authorisedScriptMint :: Term
     (PAsData PCurrencySymbol)
     (PAsData (PMap 'Sorted PTokenName PInteger)))
authorisedScriptMint = Term s (PInner (PValue 'Sorted 'NoGuarantees))
-> Term s (PInner (PInner (PValue 'Sorted 'NoGuarantees)))
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType). Term s a -> Term s (PInner a)
pto (Term s (PValue 'Sorted 'NoGuarantees)
-> Term s (PInner (PValue 'Sorted 'NoGuarantees))
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType). Term s a -> Term s (PInner a)
pto Term s (PValue 'Sorted 'NoGuarantees)
txInfoMints) Term
        (PAsData PCurrencySymbol)
        (PAsData (PMap 'Sorted PTokenName PInteger))))
-> Term s PInteger
-> Term
        (PAsData PCurrencySymbol)
        (PAsData (PMap 'Sorted PTokenName PInteger)))
forall (l :: PType -> PType) (a :: PType) (s :: S).
PIsListLike l a =>
Term s (l a) -> Term s PInteger -> Term s a
#!! Term s PInteger
              currencySymbol :: Term s PCurrencySymbol
currencySymbol = Term s PScriptHash -> Term s PCurrencySymbol
forall (s :: S). Term s PScriptHash -> Term s PCurrencySymbol
pscriptHashToCurrencySymbol Term s PScriptHash
           in Term s PString -> Term s PBool -> Term s PBool
forall (s :: S). Term s PString -> Term s PBool -> Term s PBool
ptraceInfoIfFalse Term s PString
"Minting policy does not match expected authorised minting policy" (Term s PBool -> Term s PBool) -> Term s PBool -> Term s PBool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                Term s (PAsData PCurrencySymbol) -> Term s PCurrencySymbol
forall (a :: PType) (s :: S).
PIsData a =>
Term s (PAsData a) -> Term s a
pfromData (Term
     (PAsData PCurrencySymbol)
     (PAsData (PMap 'Sorted PTokenName PInteger))
   :--> PAsData PCurrencySymbol)
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType) (b :: PType).
Term s (PBuiltinPair a b :--> a)
pfstBuiltin Term
     (PAsData PCurrencySymbol)
     (PAsData (PMap 'Sorted PTokenName PInteger))
   :--> PAsData PCurrencySymbol)
-> Term
        (PAsData PCurrencySymbol)
        (PAsData (PMap 'Sorted PTokenName PInteger)))
-> Term s (PAsData PCurrencySymbol)
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType) (b :: PType).
Term s (a :--> b) -> Term s a -> Term s b
# Term
     (PAsData PCurrencySymbol)
     (PAsData (PMap 'Sorted PTokenName PInteger)))
authorisedScriptMint) Term s PCurrencySymbol -> Term s PCurrencySymbol -> Term s PBool
forall (s :: S).
Term s PCurrencySymbol -> Term s PCurrencySymbol -> Term s PBool
forall (t :: PType) (s :: S).
PEq t =>
Term s t -> Term s t -> Term s PBool
#== Term s PCurrencySymbol
        PAuthorisedScriptPurpose s
PSpending ->
          let txInfoInputs :: Term s (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo))
txInfoInputs = Term s (PAsData (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo)))
-> Term s (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo))
forall (a :: PType) (s :: S).
PIsData a =>
Term s (PAsData a) -> Term s a
pfromData (Term s (PAsData (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo)))
 -> Term s (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo)))
-> Term s (PAsData (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo)))
-> Term s (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (name :: Symbol) (b :: PType) (p :: PType) (s :: S)
       (a :: PType) (as :: [PLabeledType]) (n :: Nat).
(PDataFields p,
 (as :: [PLabeledType]) ~ (PFields p :: [PLabeledType]),
 (n :: Nat) ~ (PLabelIndex name as :: Nat), KnownNat n,
 (a :: PType) ~ (PUnLabel (IndexList @PLabeledType n as) :: PType),
 PFromDataable a b) =>
Term s (p :--> b)
pfield @"inputs" Term s (PTxInfo :--> PAsData (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo)))
-> Term s PTxInfo
-> Term s (PAsData (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo)))
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType) (b :: PType).
Term s (a :--> b) -> Term s a -> Term s b
# Term s PTxInfo
              authorisedScriptInput :: Term s (PAsData PTxInInfo)
authorisedScriptInput = Term s (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo))
txInfoInputs Term s (PBuiltinList (PAsData PTxInInfo))
-> Term s PInteger -> Term s (PAsData PTxInInfo)
forall (l :: PType -> PType) (a :: PType) (s :: S).
PIsListLike l a =>
Term s (l a) -> Term s PInteger -> Term s a
#!! Term s PInteger
              out :: Term s (PAsData PTxOut)
out = forall (name :: Symbol) (b :: PType) (p :: PType) (s :: S)
       (a :: PType) (as :: [PLabeledType]) (n :: Nat).
(PDataFields p,
 (as :: [PLabeledType]) ~ (PFields p :: [PLabeledType]),
 (n :: Nat) ~ (PLabelIndex name as :: Nat), KnownNat n,
 (a :: PType) ~ (PUnLabel (IndexList @PLabeledType n as) :: PType),
 PFromDataable a b) =>
Term s (p :--> b)
pfield @"resolved" Term s (PAsData PTxInInfo :--> PAsData PTxOut)
-> Term s (PAsData PTxInInfo) -> Term s (PAsData PTxOut)
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType) (b :: PType).
Term s (a :--> b) -> Term s a -> Term s b
# Term s (PAsData PTxInInfo)
              address :: Term s (PAsData PAddress)
address = forall (name :: Symbol) (b :: PType) (p :: PType) (s :: S)
       (a :: PType) (as :: [PLabeledType]) (n :: Nat).
(PDataFields p,
 (as :: [PLabeledType]) ~ (PFields p :: [PLabeledType]),
 (n :: Nat) ~ (PLabelIndex name as :: Nat), KnownNat n,
 (a :: PType) ~ (PUnLabel (IndexList @PLabeledType n as) :: PType),
 PFromDataable a b) =>
Term s (p :--> b)
pfield @"address" Term s (PTxOut :--> PAsData PAddress)
-> Term s PTxOut -> Term s (PAsData PAddress)
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType) (b :: PType).
Term s (a :--> b) -> Term s a -> Term s b
# Term s (PAsData PTxOut) -> Term s PTxOut
forall (a :: PType) (s :: S).
PIsData a =>
Term s (PAsData a) -> Term s a
pfromData Term s (PAsData PTxOut)
              credential :: Term s (PAsData PCredential)
credential = forall (name :: Symbol) (b :: PType) (p :: PType) (s :: S)
       (a :: PType) (as :: [PLabeledType]) (n :: Nat).
(PDataFields p,
 (as :: [PLabeledType]) ~ (PFields p :: [PLabeledType]),
 (n :: Nat) ~ (PLabelIndex name as :: Nat), KnownNat n,
 (a :: PType) ~ (PUnLabel (IndexList @PLabeledType n as) :: PType),
 PFromDataable a b) =>
Term s (p :--> b)
pfield @"credential" Term s (PAddress :--> PAsData PCredential)
-> Term s PAddress -> Term s (PAsData PCredential)
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType) (b :: PType).
Term s (a :--> b) -> Term s a -> Term s b
# Term s (PAsData PAddress) -> Term s PAddress
forall (a :: PType) (s :: S).
PIsData a =>
Term s (PAsData a) -> Term s a
pfromData Term s (PAsData PAddress)
           in Term s PCredential
-> (PCredential s -> Term s PBool) -> Term s PBool
forall (a :: PType) (s :: S) (b :: PType).
PlutusType a =>
Term s a -> (a s -> Term s b) -> Term s b
pmatch (Term s (PAsData PCredential) -> Term s PCredential
forall (a :: PType) (s :: S).
PIsData a =>
Term s (PAsData a) -> Term s a
pfromData Term s (PAsData PCredential)
credential) ((PCredential s -> Term s PBool) -> Term s PBool)
-> (PCredential s -> Term s PBool) -> Term s PBool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
                PScriptCredential ((forall (name :: Symbol) (b :: PType) (p :: PType) (s :: S)
       (a :: PType) (as :: [PLabeledType]) (n :: Nat).
(PDataFields p,
 (as :: [PLabeledType]) ~ (PFields p :: [PLabeledType]),
 (n :: Nat) ~ (PLabelIndex name as :: Nat), KnownNat n,
 (a :: PType) ~ (PUnLabel (IndexList @PLabeledType n as) :: PType),
 PFromDataable a b) =>
Term s (p :--> b)
pfield @"_0" #) -> Term s PScriptHash
hash) ->
                  Term s PString -> Term s PBool -> Term s PBool
forall (s :: S). Term s PString -> Term s PBool -> Term s PBool
ptraceInfoIfFalse Term s PString
"Input does not match expected authorised validator" (Term s PBool -> Term s PBool) -> Term s PBool -> Term s PBool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                    Term s PScriptHash
hash Term s PScriptHash -> Term s PScriptHash -> Term s PBool
forall (s :: S).
Term s PScriptHash -> Term s PScriptHash -> Term s PBool
forall (t :: PType) (s :: S).
PEq t =>
Term s t -> Term s t -> Term s PBool
#== Term s PScriptHash
                PPubKeyCredential Term
     ((':) @PLabeledType ("_0" ':= PPubKeyHash) ('[] @PLabeledType)))
_ ->
                  Term s PString -> Term s PBool
forall (a :: PType) (s :: S). Term s PString -> Term s a
ptraceInfoError Term s PString
"Input at specified index is not a script input"
        PAuthorisedScriptPurpose s
PRewarding ->
          let txInfoWithdrawals :: Term s (PMap 'Unsorted PStakingCredential PInteger)
txInfoWithdrawals = Term s (PAsData (PMap 'Unsorted PStakingCredential PInteger))
-> Term s (PMap 'Unsorted PStakingCredential PInteger)
forall (a :: PType) (s :: S).
PIsData a =>
Term s (PAsData a) -> Term s a
pfromData (Term s (PAsData (PMap 'Unsorted PStakingCredential PInteger))
 -> Term s (PMap 'Unsorted PStakingCredential PInteger))
-> Term s (PAsData (PMap 'Unsorted PStakingCredential PInteger))
-> Term s (PMap 'Unsorted PStakingCredential PInteger)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (name :: Symbol) (b :: PType) (p :: PType) (s :: S)
       (a :: PType) (as :: [PLabeledType]) (n :: Nat).
(PDataFields p,
 (as :: [PLabeledType]) ~ (PFields p :: [PLabeledType]),
 (n :: Nat) ~ (PLabelIndex name as :: Nat), KnownNat n,
 (a :: PType) ~ (PUnLabel (IndexList @PLabeledType n as) :: PType),
 PFromDataable a b) =>
Term s (p :--> b)
pfield @"wdrl" Term
  (PTxInfo :--> PAsData (PMap 'Unsorted PStakingCredential PInteger))
-> Term s PTxInfo
-> Term s (PAsData (PMap 'Unsorted PStakingCredential PInteger))
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType) (b :: PType).
Term s (a :--> b) -> Term s a -> Term s b
# Term s PTxInfo
              authorisedScriptWithdrawal :: Term
  s (PBuiltinPair (PAsData PStakingCredential) (PAsData PInteger))
authorisedScriptWithdrawal = Term s (PMap 'Unsorted PStakingCredential PInteger)
-> Term s (PInner (PMap 'Unsorted PStakingCredential PInteger))
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType). Term s a -> Term s (PInner a)
pto Term s (PMap 'Unsorted PStakingCredential PInteger)
txInfoWithdrawals Term
     (PBuiltinPair (PAsData PStakingCredential) (PAsData PInteger)))
-> Term s PInteger
-> Term
     s (PBuiltinPair (PAsData PStakingCredential) (PAsData PInteger))
forall (l :: PType -> PType) (a :: PType) (s :: S).
PIsListLike l a =>
Term s (l a) -> Term s PInteger -> Term s a
#!! Term s PInteger
           in Term s PStakingCredential
-> (PStakingCredential s -> Term s PBool) -> Term s PBool
forall (a :: PType) (s :: S) (b :: PType).
PlutusType a =>
Term s a -> (a s -> Term s b) -> Term s b
pmatch (Term s (PAsData PStakingCredential) -> Term s PStakingCredential
forall (a :: PType) (s :: S).
PIsData a =>
Term s (PAsData a) -> Term s a
pfromData (Term s (PAsData PStakingCredential) -> Term s PStakingCredential)
-> Term s (PAsData PStakingCredential) -> Term s PStakingCredential
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Term
  (PBuiltinPair (PAsData PStakingCredential) (PAsData PInteger)
   :--> PAsData PStakingCredential)
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType) (b :: PType).
Term s (PBuiltinPair a b :--> a)
pfstBuiltin Term
  (PBuiltinPair (PAsData PStakingCredential) (PAsData PInteger)
   :--> PAsData PStakingCredential)
-> Term
     s (PBuiltinPair (PAsData PStakingCredential) (PAsData PInteger))
-> Term s (PAsData PStakingCredential)
forall (s :: S) (a :: PType) (b :: PType).
Term s (a :--> b) -> Term s a -> Term s b
# Term
  s (PBuiltinPair (PAsData PStakingCredential) (PAsData PInteger))
authorisedScriptWithdrawal) ((PStakingCredential s -> Term s PBool) -> Term s PBool)
-> (PStakingCredential s -> Term s PBool) -> Term s PBool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
                PStakingHash ((forall (name :: Symbol) (b :: PType) (p :: PType) (s :: S)
       (a :: PType) (as :: [PLabeledType]) (n :: Nat).
(PDataFields p,
 (as :: [PLabeledType]) ~ (PFields p :: [PLabeledType]),
 (n :: Nat) ~ (PLabelIndex name as :: Nat), KnownNat n,
 (a :: PType) ~ (PUnLabel (IndexList @PLabeledType n as) :: PType),
 PFromDataable a b) =>
Term s (p :--> b)
pfield @"_0" #) -> Term s PCredential
credential) ->
                  Term s PCredential
-> (PCredential s -> Term s PBool) -> Term s PBool
forall (a :: PType) (s :: S) (b :: PType).
PlutusType a =>
Term s a -> (a s -> Term s b) -> Term s b
pmatch Term s PCredential
credential ((PCredential s -> Term s PBool) -> Term s PBool)
-> (PCredential s -> Term s PBool) -> Term s PBool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
                    PScriptCredential ((forall (name :: Symbol) (b :: PType) (p :: PType) (s :: S)
       (a :: PType) (as :: [PLabeledType]) (n :: Nat).
(PDataFields p,
 (as :: [PLabeledType]) ~ (PFields p :: [PLabeledType]),
 (n :: Nat) ~ (PLabelIndex name as :: Nat), KnownNat n,
 (a :: PType) ~ (PUnLabel (IndexList @PLabeledType n as) :: PType),
 PFromDataable a b) =>
Term s (p :--> b)
pfield @"_0" #) -> Term s PScriptHash
hash) ->
                      Term s PString -> Term s PBool -> Term s PBool
forall (s :: S). Term s PString -> Term s PBool -> Term s PBool
ptraceInfoIfFalse Term s PString
"Withdrawal does not match expected authorised staking validator" (Term s PBool -> Term s PBool) -> Term s PBool -> Term s PBool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                        Term s PScriptHash
hash Term s PScriptHash -> Term s PScriptHash -> Term s PBool
forall (s :: S).
Term s PScriptHash -> Term s PScriptHash -> Term s PBool
forall (t :: PType) (s :: S).
PEq t =>
Term s t -> Term s t -> Term s PBool
#== Term s PScriptHash
                    PPubKeyCredential Term
     ((':) @PLabeledType ("_0" ':= PPubKeyHash) ('[] @PLabeledType)))
_ ->
                      Term s PString -> Term s PBool
forall (a :: PType) (s :: S). Term s PString -> Term s a
ptraceInfoError Term s PString
"Staking credential at specified index is not a script credential"
                PStakingPtr Term
        ("_0" ':= PInteger)
           ("_1" ':= PInteger)
           ((':) @PLabeledType ("_2" ':= PInteger) ('[] @PLabeledType)))))
_ ->
                  Term s PString -> Term s PBool
forall (a :: PType) (s :: S). Term s PString -> Term s a
ptraceInfoError Term s PString
"No staking validator found"