Bare CLB as a library

Using CLB's low-level API

For use cases when just a bare emulator is required, i.e. a pure ledger state that can be initialized, then fed with some transactions, and finally queried to obtain the current UTxO state and other information on low-level API described in this section is the best option.

If you are looking for a way to build transactions, you likely need to use CLB library with Atlas.

ClbT monad transformer

CLB actions are defined for a ClbT transformer which is a pure state over ClbState:

newtype ClbT era m a = ClbT {unwrapClbT :: StateT (ClbState era) m a}

Also there is Clb monad which is just ClbT over Identity.

To build the genesis state use initClb function, passing left Value, which set the initial value for every of ten test wallets.

initClb ::
  ClbConfig era ->
  Either Api.Value [(L.Addr L.StandardCrypto, L.Coin)] ->
  ClbState era

To supply the configuration use a default value defaultConwayClbConfig and make any needed updates.

ClbState datatype

This section gives an overview of the state that can be accessed directly at user's discretion (keeping in mind that most state alterings should be done judiciously).

The following parts of the state may pose some interest to users (to access fields one can use lenses):

data ClbState era = ClbState
  { ...
  , _knownDatums :: !(M.Map PV1.DatumHash PV1.Datum)
  , _clbLog :: !(Log LogEntry)
  , _clbConfig :: !(ClbConfig era)

_knownDatums field contains all known datums, i.e. inline datums extracted from submitted transactions as well as datums presented as witnesses (i.e. those that no longer exist on-chain). Currently, there is no way to make a distinction between these two types of datums.

_clbLog contains all log items, including failures. See the section on the logging for details.

_clbConfig field provides access to the CLB configuration (which is supposed to be read-only).

Submitting transactions

The low-level API assumes that the client does prepare transactions on their own. The only interaction with the emulator is needed at the signing stage when a signing key for a test wallet should be obtained and used using intToCardanoSk function which deterministically returns a corresponding key by a test wallet number (1..10).


The action takes a transaction and validates it against the latest blockchain state. Then it applies the transaction if it is valid or indicates an error otherwise which is captured by ValidationResult datatype. The transaction itself is discarded. Also submitTx action:

  • Updates datums cache with inline datums of transaction output and datums used in the witnesses set.
  • Moves the time to the next slot, i.e. within the emulator (and only in the as-a-library mode) every slot contains exactly one transaction.
submitTx ::
  forall era m.
  (Monad m, IsCardanoLedgerEra era) =>
  C.Tx era ->
  ClbT era m (ValidationResult era)
data ValidationResult era
  = -- | A transaction failed to be validated by Ledger
    Fail !(Core.Tx (CardanoLedgerEra era)) !(ValidationError era)
  | -- | New state and a validated transaction
    Success !(EmulatedLedgerState era) !(OnChainTx era)

Note, that despite the fact the Success return value bears the new state of the emulator, the state is updated under the hood inside State monad, so it is returned solely for the user's convenience.

Querying UTxO set

There are four actions to accomplish the job.

The first two operate over ledger types:

  • currentUtxoState returns all L.UTxO era which is a wrapper around the mapping Map (TxIn crypto) (TxOut era).
  • getUtxosAt returns a subset of UTxO which belongs to a particular L.Address crypto

The other two operate over types from cardano-api (imported as C) and Plutus ledger (imported as PV1). Both functions return a list of Plutus UTxO references, i.e. [PV1.TxOutRef]:

  • txOutRefAt takes an address C.AddressInEra era
  • txOutRefAtPaymentCred takes a payment credential PV1.Credential

Working with slots

The ClbConfig (usually based on the default value defaultConwayClbConfig) contains SlotConfig which defines how slots work within the emulator. In the library mode slot length is used solely for calculation purposes, since the next slot is promoted automatically when (and only when) a valid transaction gets submitted.

scSlotZeroTime is used for the calculation of wall clock time when going between Slot and POSIXTime with slotToBeginPOSIXTime and posixTimeToEnclosingSlot.

defaultSlotConfig :: SlotConfig
defaultSlotConfig =
    { scSlotLength = 1_000 -- each slot lasts for 1 second
    , scSlotZeroTime = 0 -- starts at unix epoch start


Purely returns SlotNo from Cardano.Slotting.Slot based on the ledger environment state.

waitSlot and modifySlot

This is the way to tweak the slot number manually. Since there is no notion of time in the library mode waiting is identical to jumping to the target slot immediately without waiting. This is one of the crucial advantages that makes scenarios that depend on time blazing fast.

That way waitSlot just promotes the current slot to a requested SlotNo, if the current slot is not greater than the requested slot. Otherwise, it does nothing silently.

There is also more liberate modifySlot action which allows for an arbitrary function (Slot -> Slot) be applied over the current slot in the state.

Querying additional information

The following actions provide access to useful things that likely are needed to work with the emulator.

  • getEpochInfo returns so-called fixedEpochInfo based on the slot config.
  • getGlobals builds and returns Shelley globals.
  • getStakePools lists all known stake pools (initially empty set).
  • getClbConfig gets the configuration with which the CLB instance was launched.


CLB incorporates a simple pure log to store all events that occur within CLB. All messages are bound to the slot where they happen.

Core logging actions

Two types of entries can be added to the log:

  • Informational messages of different levels. Use logInfo function to log a message, passing LogEntry value to it.
  • Failures can be indicated using logFail and logError actions. The latter additionally adds the error to the main log, so this is the preferred way.


In rare cases, one might want to see the whole UTxO set in the log. This can be easily done with dumpUtxoState function.

checkErrors and ppLog

Once a test case is over, the log can extracted from the state and processed. Here the following two functions come in handy.

checkErrors :: (Monad m) => ClbT era m (Maybe String) returns the summary of all failures that have happened.

ppLog pretty formats the log using prettyprinter library capabilities:

let logDoc = ppLog $ (clb ^. clbLog)
let options = defaultLayoutOptions {layoutPageWidth = AvailablePerLine 150 1.0}
let logString = renderString $ layoutPretty options logDoc
putStrLn logString