Node emulator mode
For description of how this mode operates see a short introduction on the Variants of use page.
Getting CLB executable
The executable cardano-node-socket-emulator
to run CLB
is a separate cabal project located in the project repository under
emulator (opens in a new tab) folder.
Currently, no binary distribution is available so you have to include it into your project using Nix or build it separately.
Spinning up CLB instance
Almost like with a real cardano-node
you have to provide a lot of things to the
binary to spin up an instance of emualator which is effectively a degenerated network
that consists of one only node which is in change of producing blocks.
Whereas you can prepare all things manually, the recommended way is to use cardano-testnet (opens in a new tab) from cardano-node (opens in a new tab) repository.
This tool is capable of generating network genesis and configuration
based on your preferences and running any executable that can understand it
by utilising CARDANO_NODE
environment variable.
That way having cardano-testnet
executable at hand you can do this
(pay attention that currently only text logging is supported):
$ export CARDANO_NODE=/path/to/cardano-node-socket-emulator
$ cardano-testnet \
--testnet-magic 764824073
--nodeLoggingFormat text
Under the hood cardano-testnet
generates a temporary folder which contains:
- configuration, topology and genesis files
- signing keys of genesis wallets
- IPC socket for the nodes
- logs
Then it runs the binary set in CARDANO_NODE
with the following set of parameters
(listed here for informational purposes):
$ cardano-node-socket-emulator run \
--config /tmp/configuration.yaml
--topology /tmp/pools-keys/pool2/topology.json
--database-path /tmp/pools-keys/pool2/db
--shelley-kes-key /tmp/pools-keys/pool2/kes.skey
--shelley-vrf-key /tmp/pools-keys/pool2/vrf.skey
--byron-delegation-certificate /tmp/pools-keys/pool2/byron-delegation.cert
--byron-signing-key /tmp/pools-keys/pool2/byron-delegate.key
--shelley-operational-certificate /tmp/pools-keys/pool2/opcert.cert
--socket-path /tmp/socket/pool2/sock
--host-addr 127.0. 0.1
--port 43159
Example: CLB as backend for privnet tests in CTL
As a reference example you can use the way CLB is integrated with cardano-transaction-lib (opens in a new tab) as it's done in this PR (opens in a new tab).